
Um, sorry to barge in, and really didn’t read much except the first paragraph.....but I got distracted after that because I DON’T KNOW WHICH SUBREDDIT TO USE TO FIND WEED.

You could avoid that situation altogether by using one of the numerous auto-upload to the cloud services whenever you take a picture.

The best part of these conspiracy theories is the fact that they actually think the NFL would favor a team in Seattle over a team in California, let alone a team in California that has loads of bandwagon fans across the country due to the glory days of Montana, Rice and Young, and the Super Bowl trip last year.

Nexus 4 was 350 at launch for the 16GB version. The 8GB version was 300.

LTE has been blazing fast on my Nexus 4 for a solid 6 months now...

EEEEE! That looks great! I can't wait!

I think I would have to go with the combo of both Remis Lupin AND Tonks.

Mad-Eye Moody. I like to think he was killed "off-camera" because there's just no way mortal hands could craft the tale of how big a shit-storm he called down before dying.

The only problem is that if you code a divide-by-zero error, you exterminate all life on Earth.

You know it's shit articles like this that piss me off. Yes rhabdo can be a problem, if you push yourself too hard, which has happened well before CrossFit came around. Any decent CrossFit trainer will go over the dangers of it with you during your first consultation. It's not just a CrossFit problem, but since

The article is spottily referenced and extremely vague. The takeaway is that exertional rhabdomyolys is that it is extremely rare. Unwritten but unavoidable is the implication that it is exacerbated if not cause outright by a separate but undisclosed mitigating condition. What sources are given all admit that the

This is an old myth about Crossfitting.

I have a buddy who swears by crossfit. Every time I run into him he's "soo sore from his last intense workout". He enthusiastically says there are often times when he doesn't know if he's going to throw up or have a sudden bought of diarrhea.

Maybe it's not crossfit (I don't know very much about it) - it's probably

This has been making the rounds on facebook, and I'll say what I said there: hard to call it a "dirty little secret" when everyone is warned of the risk before they start.

Crossfit is great, but like any exercise regimen, it can be taken to stupid extremes by idiots.

Should tell the back story of Android before Google bought it and the first Android phone that was basically a Blackberry knockoff before apple launched the iPhone.

Rant much? Seriously, nobody gives a shit what color iPhone you get.