The dude in the bottom .gif with the herpe....yes, made my day
The dude in the bottom .gif with the herpe....yes, made my day
I usually just put CM on a phone as soon as I get it (or as soon as it's available) however I don't hang out on forums a lot. Can anyone tell me if (intelligently) if there's value in going with Xposed Vs CM (outside of bricking).
That stuff is actually bottled about 60 miles south of the arena
The real story is how someone got 27yrs for dealing pot?! WTF
We don't suck at the espionage. In all seriousness, why can't we just do more of this and less shooting.
You're drunk Microsoft go home.
As a long time cable cutter, I always recommend Windows machines for HTPCs. So much easier to get things working and sharing. Having said that I have a MacMini running Windows and it's a great experience.
She's the shit, there are some some up-and-commers coming out of CA that will give her a run for her money next year.
Yes, however there will be very limited storage.
I actually spoke to a MS guy about this (I was at a VS2012 kickoff event) and while it doesn't have AD support it does have LDAP support which should cover much of the authentication issues. Having said all that, we asked about testing and deployment and they had no idea how we would do that (testing apps, deploying…
WTF are you talking about? I don't see anything crazy about anyone's statement except yours Dickey..
I actually don't think it has an expandable slot.
I bought one for my wife and it's nice (fast, clean, great camera), but the narrowness of the screen is awkward IMO.
I don't know if ICS does (it was a big jump from 2.3 obviously), but Jellybean certainly does. Google Now is incredible.
I really agree with you, the only thing I would say is that something needs to be done about bloat in Android. Nobody talks about it, but besides the Nexus there's so much crap on Android phones that you're forced to go custom if you truly want to experience Android like it was intended.
If you buy a kindle fire (whatever one) instead of a Nexus7 you're probably on crack. That's harsh but I see almost no reason to purchase this device with a Nexus7 on the market for only $30 more; all of the apps, upgrade support, it doesn't have that stupid Kindle launcher, etc. Maybe it's just me...
Haven't seen it yet but from all the reviews it seems Lindelof had too much to do with this movie.
These are great, could have been shirts, flash cards, etc. Too bad they're not moving forward with any of it...
On point, everyone agrees.