
How does helping your family around the house, learning to be responsible, and developing a basic understanding for the how the world works a bad thing? Even if a sheep strays from the herd, it’s bound to encounter a fence. The world has limitations and you can’t just “do whatever you want and get whatever you want.”

Sorry but what you want and what is the cultural norm are two very different things. Nobody is tipping the pizza guy 15%. A server can serve well or poorly, it’s pretty hard for a pizza guy to deliver well or poorly and often, esp these days, there is a delivery charge on orders. So, no, I am not paying $3.50 delivery

I sometimes find after a 1 week vacation away from the gym, my first workout can be great since my muscles are rested. Much more than that, you feel the decline

I think it was the suggestion that another study would be needed on women to validate the results for women that prompted the response. This implicitly suggests that exercise regiments that work for men would not be perceived as inherently viable for women. Thus, the interpretation that women need a unique fitness

Naturally, the result is the same for women. It can be no other way—we all have the same musculoskeletal system. The idea that women need a unique fitness program is a product of the fitness industry selling you. Women get the same results as men, generally just slower than men do.

I don't see why this would surprise anyone, lifting weights burns more calories than cardio and increasing your lean muscle mass will increase the amount of calories you burn throughout the day just going about your day.

A lot of those 'expert beginners' are folks that are not coming from CS background and have been asked to code as one of many other job functions- and have done a capable job of figuring out the task at hand. It isn't always laziness or lack of curiosity so much as lack of hours in a day.

The language is slow to change, what's updating on your computer is the JVM (Java Virtual Machine) that actually executes the Java code

what, no. The whole point of the holidays is to be a kid again.

That looks perfect

I share your thoughts on that. I was always told only stupid people get bored. There's so much to do and see! Find something, people!

I wouldn't call myself a terribly productive person, but in a similar vein one of my bigger pet peeves is when people tell me how "bored" they are. To me, there is literally never a reason to utter that phrase if you are not severely mentally handicapped.

It's the cirrrrrccclllleee of fooonnntttssss

Wait wait wait... they're limiting the moments to 5 / month? Dang it, now I gotta switch apps. I used that a ton. :(

I understand the reasoning... they need funds. And I understand that, but I really don't like the monthly subscription model. I prefer the older model of pay once, and it's yours. I'd pay more for a one

I have another point: it isn't really about how it benefits companies (at least directly), but the mere existence of piracy is a form of competition within the marketplace. It's one of the only things that can shake up this weird monopolistic hold the cable companies have on content.

Ah! I love seeing stuff like this, not just because I have an interest in special effects and propmaking, but also because of the artistry involved. I've seen videos of this sort of thing before and one of the things they showed was making a lettuce leaf. The guy just kind of grabbed the leading edge of the puddle

Anyone else misread the headline as "Boost Your Charisma by Being More Attractive?"

How does this work in conjunction w/something like Avast? They don't fight do they?

A resume is the equivalent to knocking on the door. Knock too long, and too loud, and they won't even ask who's there.

I would advise myself to avoid debt at all costs. Some debt you can not escape like a home mortgage, but minimize it and accelerate payments. Never EVER pay the suggest payment always try to pay as much as you possibly can on it.