
Why do you feel the need to insult others over their choice when it comes to an optional fee? Yes, it is optional, whatever you may think. If you don’t like the job you should look somewhere else. The establishment already defined how much I’ll pay for the product+delivery. Why am I expected to give you an arbitrary

I work at a major ladder manufacturing company, and this advice is spot on.

Using it right now! I'd say it's nothing extraordinary, but I like it.

Using it right now! I'd say it's nothing extraordinary, but I like it.

At this point, you have a few options:

Agreed. Unfortunately the average Joe isn't aware of this or doesn't care, and most of them fall for it. As long as companies keep seeing bigger profits with these strategies, they'll keep doing it.

Great advice, as someone who's relatively new at my job. Everyone was really great and they did basically everything listed here. It made the transition much easier.

I do have some really good friends at work. Maybe not quite my best friends, since I very rarely see them outside the office, but we get along really well and have a lot in common. Maybe we should hang out now that I think about it.

Some of us enjoyed out childhoods. Also, I'll take any opportunity I can to forget the responsibilities I have now. My job and my finances can all go to hell for a few days, and I'll embrace it.

I work at a major ladder manufacturing company. I'd advice you follow directions, ladders aren't designed to support weight on those steps.

I use no similar service, it just doesn't really appeal to me. I'm not really into taking pictures, let alone sharing them for no good reason.

Although those permissions sounds reasonable, I'm still kind of wary. Should I be?

Most of us prefer to just have something that works well and does the job

I can understand if they're disturbing other clients, but if they're keeping it within their on group, who are you to interfere? Of course, if there's violence involved by all means break it up, but otherwise you're just being nosy.

Haha, "building computers", "endless tinkering". My argument may be flawed but this is ridiculous. What makes you think you need to build a computer to use an Android device? I'm sure you're exaggerating but still a pretty bad pseudo argument. Also, "endless tinkering"? You may not be aware of this, but tinkering is

What I dislike the most about this whole deal are Apple fanboys. Now, I know Android fanboys are just as bad, but I only see Apple fans getting excited over "new" features that have been standard on other platforms for years. Also, before the iPhone 6, I had Apple fans talk shit about how big some Android phones are.

Oh, the old "I work on IT therefore my preferences are better" approach. The oldest trick in the book. Cool meme I guess?

That's precisely my point. Apple's popularity is the only thing that makes Apple products good. That's it. The products themselves are meh and are clearly targeted at a non-savvy audience. Anyways, buy whatever you want. Spend your life savings on a shitty status symbol for all I care.

What you're ignoring is the fact that everything Apple presented has been available on Android for years. 5+ inch screens, landscape mode, payments via NFC, and most recently, wrist gadgets, the list goes on.

For one, it got 5+ inch screens years ago. Also Android Wear. That's ignoring the things that took Apple a ridiculous amount of time to catch up with, like Landscape mode and 3rd party keyboards. Apple is just playing catch-up now, and it's pathetic.