
No, it's completely unrealistic to believe that there are jobs out there for everyone "if you look hard enough and your heart is true". That's just not how it is. It sounds nice and it makes for good motivation and whatnot, but that's not reality.

Yes, because there are thousands of job openings just waiting for us to get up and get them!

Ar you kidding, Eric? At this point I'm practically convinced you guys at Lifehacker are spying on me! I can't even count the amount of times you have posted an article that's extremely relevant to me on a particular day. Just yesterday I started thinking about hosting a party for my upcoming birthday. I'll be keeping

That's being a little extreme. Yes, it is an addiction to some people, and I wouldn't really call it a necessity, but it's very convenient for many things. For instance, planning gatherings with friends or family is much easier with FB than without it. Email or phone just don't cut it, especially when dealing with

I don't know, I've paid less than that for full games so many times that I can't see it as a good deal. I'll probably get it because I love Nintendo and it's a rather complete package, but I think the pricing is a bit steep based on my experience on Steam.

It looks funny considering it's called The Art of Manliness, but his videos are pretty interesting and often offers solid advice.

That bit about "D'oh" being "Ouch" in Spanish, specifically in Mexico, is a complete lie. The Latin American version, which is the one shown in Mexico uses "D'oh" as well.

Yes, because particle physics is perfectly comparable to basic empathy. Not a good comparison at all.

At this point, is it not clear that this new pope is just trying to do some damage control? His predecessors were the center of various nefarious scandals and were heads of their church right when that particular faith plummeted in popularity. He's saying a lot of things that people, religious and non religious alike

Yes, many religions have an ugly past of violence and prejudice.

Yes, it's almost as if they (NFL, FIFA) were nothing but corporations whose sole purpose is to profit and have been responsible for despicable actions throughout their history, unlike religion. Wait...

Yeah, I've seen that as well. Here's hoping they don't end up hurting themselves!

Yeah, you're right. I sometimes cringe when I remember the way I did some exercises back when I started.

That's exactly my experience with the gym. That said though, I can't help but notice when people are in fact exercising the wrong way. I don't secretly hate them or anything, I just want to go and tell them how it's done, but I've done it before and they don't appreciate it most of the time.

I do hope it turns out that way! All things considering, that's the most likely outcome. Are people insisting you made a mistake? I deduce based on your response that you have kids and they make you happy, so I'd say you're doing pretty well!

Of course, you're allowed an opinion like everyone else, and it's just as valid as mine or as anyone else's. What is it that you hate about it, though? It's stable and it performs faster than any Windows 7 machine I've used. It boots up pretty quickly and it hasn't interfered with my work, gaming, or audio and video

I think you're exactly right. Your house doesn't need to be an impenetrable fortress. That costs too much and is a huge hassle anyway. You only have to make sure your house is a tougher target than neighboring houses.

All right, you win, you're too special for this formula. Sheesh.

Maybe, but I'll have to think about it.