
I REALLY wish my parents did this — my mom's an expert on yelling across the house and getting mad when we don't respond right away.

Be gentle with animals

"The only difference is that Android gives you the option to tinker with it, while Apple doesn't."

Thanks for writing this, Dave. I have no idea how you did—I could barely make it through half the post when I edited it (and my dog died two whole years ago)—but this is great stuff, and I'm sure it'll be a great help to others going through something similar.


I have an amazing ability to turn off alarms and remain asleep. Here is an MS Paint mockup of what Sleepshadow would do~

– Go through the entire test, marking the answers you know, before attempting to make any guesses.

I want to note something: this is probably not the full roster. Please note that the character select screen shows several open spaces across the bottom two rows, which is something that never happens in Smash. They always shoot for symmetry, and even with Mii Fighter added to the roster (he/she isn't showing up

THANK YOU for making desktop PC's number 1. That was a pleasant surprise. Buying a laptop, even a Windows one, is like buying a Mac. You can't change much inside (if anything), so you have to buy out your nose for what you think you might need because you can't upgrade anything. Why do I need to pay thousands of

Because Russia is full of fraudsters who create accidents, throw themselves in front of cars and other assorted BS to collect insurance money. I guess if you can't prove that some idiot threw himself in front of your car intentionally then you get nailed for it.

Honestly, Windows 8.1 is a lot faster than Windows 7, and you can just bypass the Metro UI with a few steps. Windows 9 will make things even better for desktop mode users.

And arguably the NFL or FIFA make the sports that much less enjoyable for everything that isn't enjoyment of sports.

bwahahahaah!! Well played! +1, hell +2 ;-)

Thank you. These rules should just be a "norm" in everyday society rather than a "you learn them in church" belief system.

Why do you and the editors of this website choose to post an apologetic and pro-religious article? It seems very misplaced for this website - or has turned into a platform for propaganda? Please clarify this asap for us subscribers.

As an atheist I would just like to say to all of these religions , practice what you preach.

It's a pretty relevant fact when religions claim to have a monopoly on morality. If that's the case, then why have they produced no better behavior than other philosophies? None of the tips above (which are good) can only be arrived at by religion.

These are all important lessons, but religion is not required to learn them.

"Kill millions of people who don't happen to agree with you on what happens after we're all dead anyway."

They tried to correct their mistake but instead they started showing this: