
You missed the point entirely.

It's not a big collection at all. Although I prefer physical media, it's a rather small percentage of my collection. In reality, I only get the CDs from the bands I consider myself a fan of. That's just Dream Theater, Iron Maiden, Bad Salad, and Steve Vai. The rest is digital, but all DRM-free thanks to Amazon,

Lots of people. I don't really like Spotify, Pandora, or any similar alternatives. I'm a musician, so I'm really into music, really specific music at that. I'm not the type of person that enjoys turning on Jango and listen to random songs that are similar to what I like. I like certain bands, and certain songs, and I

Well, you're right. Assuming you have 2 options that have the same/very similar specs and price, it only makes sense to pick the best looking one. What I was saying only makes sense if there's a considerable price/spec difference with the "ugly" one being better in any or both of those regards.

If the color is the only thing bothering you, there are a lot of things you can do to fix it. By all means, if you don't like it don't get it, whatever, I'm just saying that the look is the least important aspect, and it's silly to give that aspect importance when it comes to gadgets, given that looking good isn't

Who stares at their gadgets anyway? Once I turn them on/off I'm looking somewhere else entirely. Very nitpicky and superficial IMO.

Because some people prefer Android on their tablets.

Would you say that's the norm, though? I don't doubt you take your job seriously and do it well, but is that how most nurses do their jobs? Half of them? 90% of them? 20%?

I don't find the hippo particularly ugly, but that pink/brown color palette... I'm no designer, but DAMN that's hideous.

Interesting way of putting it, I don't feel that bad anymore about my pile of shame! Also, I like to think that I'll eventually play them and have entertainment for years to come.

Good job! That hypothetical situation sounds neat! Congratulations, you are officially a good person.

Feeling morally superior by commenting on the internet is much better, yes?

This kind of treatment results in the spoiled brats we see everywhere.

I just bought myself a Wii U and I couldn't be happier. I do most of my gaming on PC, and got the Wii U for all the Nintendo exclusives that I love. Seriously, are you some edgy teen or something? I can't think why anyone would get such a hard on for bashing the Wii U. I'm 25 and I'm loving mine, and I sure as hell

Eh, some kids don't learn the easy way. With some kids you have no other choice, you seem to assume they're all so sweet and great. Maybe it could be considered cruel to most, but I've met lots of really entitled brats that need something like that from time to time.

I'm not arguing any of those points. I'm well aware that lots of people are entitled brats, and that dealing with them is tiring. Still, that's one of the things that you have to deal with when working in retail or the service industry. Every profession has its annoyances, and we all have to deal with them

Sure, because you have amassed a fortune 5 times bigger than theirs, right?

But never before had I worried about not being able to lend my friends or siblings some games for them to play on their own consoles. Also, it hasn't been forever. Unless the game is installed on the console's hard drive, the disc is needed to play the game to read its contents, not to verify anything with DRM.

The presentation is a sales pitch, and they're a huge company, with huge budgets, and spend millions on PR and marketing. One of two things happened.

What a weird point of view. The consumer didn't like what was offered by the company, and the consumer is wrong? Why is that? It is the company the one who should aim to please the consumers because the company wants their money. It's the company that has the most compelling offer the one that will succeed. It's that