
I'd add Whitson!

I actually like them in small quantities. That said, it would make for a very disappointing gift.

I very rarely watch TV, the Kinect brings nothing to the table for me. There's literally not one good reason for me to have it. Not even one. I don't care about the exclusives, I don't care for Kinect, the price is ridiculous, the console itself looks hideous, and the return of the DRM policies makes me wary.

I don't want innovation if it means having to deal with shitty DRM policies (that may or may not come back), an obligatory gimmick that doesn't interest me in the least that adds 100 bucks to the cost of the console (that is most likely spying on you) or having the console presentations focusing on the console's

Don't agree with the list, at least with the description for the S4. I bought it because of the raw specs it had at launch. Full HD 5 inch screen, quad core processor, 2GB of RAM, expandable external memory of up to 64GB. Plastic? Yes, but it's completely irrelevant to me since I always end up getting a case for it.

Obligatory shower scene. Man, I hate it when they do that. It seems to me that it's just a cheap a unoriginal way to "spice the movie up" unnecessarily. It's a horror movie, stick to horror dammit.

Oh look, someone who obviously doesn't have kids judging parents for being only human.

Look at all these mad Macheads. Look at them.

I don't dislike Windows 8 at all, I even like the Start Screen as it is, but I gotta admit that looks really, really nice. The option of having it vertical or horizontal is fantastic. As much as I like the current state of the Start Screen, I wouldn't mind one bit if they changed it to this.

YES. JUST YES. I've been waiting for the number row for a long time!

I know, they're all bookmarked and in Pocket (the ones I REALLY want to check out later), but I still have a bunch of tabs there even if they're bookmarked because I'll probably want to check them out soon today.

Yeah, those problems that you mention are filling up their pockets, so they have no problem with those.

All right, so I'm in a minority, you're in the majority, good for you I guess? Have a cookie? I don't know what you're trying to prove. Microsoft isn't going anywhere, they're probably laughing at all the complaints because regardless of your preference between 7 or 8, they're still getting the money.

I work with Windows 8 without any problems, and I use a lot of software that's very commonly used, from different CAD programs (Pro Engineer, Solidworks, AutoCAD), IDE's (Python, Java, C#), Office suites (Microsoft Office, LibreOffice), LogMeIn, a proprietary suite of inventory and accounting management software,

Actually, I've started using Pocket, it has helped a bit. Whenever I feel like closing tabs, I just send them there. I can still see them later if I want to, and I don't have to keep them open.

I'm the complete opposite. Having 70+ tabs open at any given time is standard. I don't like that I do that, but I have this feeling of "Oh! This is interesting! I'll keep this here for future reference, I'll definitely want/need it soon." I have more than enough RAM, so it doesn't bother me much in that sense, but

With that logic, Windows would never evolve, our would do so at a much slower rate than it does. If that were the case, we'd probably still be using XP, which is what most offices are still using.

It's not Windows 8 that's not ready, it's the corporate environment. As software improves, offices all over need to keep up with said improvements. Saying Windows 8 is not ready for often archaic office environments (which most ran Win XP until very recently) is ridiculous. It's like saying that a new Mercedes isn't

Sorry but no

I don't know if you read my entire comment, but I did address the problems with drivers, proprietary software, and other possible issues and understand them completely. I'm talking about the average user.