
I don't understand your pissing and moaning. It's just his opinion. Oh, that's right, you just wanted to piss and moan about something. Got it. And no, I'm not a Steve Greer fan.

Damn, good thing I haven't eaten at McDonald's in years, it's not like I hate myself or something.

There are plenty of reasons. As other have said, free 5GB here, 50GB there (Box), 25GB over there, and 15GB over here, and we have 95GB! Not only that, I also have files that are very important, and storing them in just one service would be risky. I rather have my important files in several services in case one of

I know, you've got to be kidding me. When the correct option is "you're", people write "your", and vice versa. I don't get it, how hard can it be to know when to use which? Hell, English is not my first language and this annoys me a lot. I mean it's your first language and your job is to write! Come on!

Can't replace *yet*.

Nice, for some reason I tend to like UI changes, most of the times they end up being much better looking and more functional. The one thing I'd like to see in the new Play Store is a Dark Theme. All that white is really annoying when using my phone in the dark. I used to have a custom ROM that had Dark Themed Google

Now playing

This. I recently saw an interesting video explaining why butter is better, here's the link:

What I do is I rinse my mouth with water before breakfast to get rid of the "just woke up" breath and feeling, and brush my teeth after breakfast.

Well so don't use it. Geez, he's just giving you the option, he's not commanding you to do it, chill Mr. Strict Athlete. Also, upbeat music has been proven to enhance your endurance during workouts.

Not really. Probably bad for that particular person, but realistically, EVERYTHING has haters. EVERYTHING, especially the most popular/successful artists, actors, companies, books, TV shows, movies, you name it. If someone absolutely hates what you do, you're most likely doing something (or a lot of things) right,

I know, man. I haven't got a hold of the S4, but I don't know, I think anything thinner than the S2 might feel too fragile for me.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I, for one, really like how my Samsung Galaxy SII looks. Also, it's a phone, not a piece of art. What should matter is how it performs, not how it looks. Sure, good looks are a plus, but judging phones over its looks rather than all the other aspects that make a smartphone a

Ah, but that's where you're mistaken. I don't care, but I enjoy arguing. I like it when I get responses like yours, especially so quickly! Don't worry about not dropping a dime to an "unoriginal/unethical company", believe me, they won't miss your business at all.

Samesung? Are you 12? So what if they copy? You don't get anything from any of those manufacturers, whether they copy each other or not is entirely irrelevant for about 99% of the people, including you and me. Stop being a butthurt fanboy and use whatever you please. Comments like yours are not making Samsung users go

That's cute.

You're right, I don't use my meter for the film or TV industry. The company I work for specializes in illumination projects for the industry, warehouses, factories, parking lots, roads, and offices, mostly. While I do trust Sekonic, I'm skeptical about the Sekonic+iPhone deal.

Only a Sith deals in absolutes.

Maybe he's Canadian?

If they want to avoid embarrassing situations like Diablo 3 experienced at launch, or the one Sim City is experiencing right now, they have to do it that way. I know my examples are games, but it's the same thing. They need to prepare their servers for even more traffic than they expect, as it's a service that may

You hit the nail on the head with this article, it's really close to home for me. All my life I've been a gamer, and I've always loved playing games that I consider epic. Everything from TLoZ:OoT, to Oblivion, Fallout, Bioshock and the like. Never plowing through, always finding all the secrets, side quests, and