
Hard to say. I haven't owned any HTC phone, I've just borrowed them, so while I can say they appear to be really good, I haven't really used them for a prolonged period of time to tell for sure. On the other hand, I do own a Samsung Galaxy S2, and it's been really awesome. I'd say wait for more reviews of both devices

Sure, take it or leave it, but saying that Windows 8 is just bloatware, that it isn't an OS, and that its functions are useless is ignorant. Also, what advertising? Sure, there's some advertising in the Store, but come on, it's a store, stores have advertising. Stay out of the store and there won't be any advertising.

He's not much different than the average Starbucks consumer. That's why I really dislike staying there. If I ever feel like having a Starbucks, I'll but it and leave. It's amazing but every single time I'm there, the place is filled with douches much like that dude. At least this guy isn't using an Apple product. That

How is this gonna happen, exactly? I'm all in for a more civilized community, but how on EARTH is someone gonna do something about this? It's completely irrelevant whether the protagonist of a game is male or female, it all comes down to the game itself. If the game is good, I won't mind being a girl. There are plenty

Yes, but that's the thing, you have options. With Apple, you're very limited. Top tier, or old phone. And by old, I mean less than 1 year, which is completely ridiculous. Options are good. Some people don't want/need a flagship phone. They want to take care of calls, texts, pictures, and perhaps very casual browsing.

Not only that, some people give Android a try on a lesser phone, and blame any issues they encounter on Android, rather than on the phone's manufacturer. This happened to a friend of mine. He switched from his old iPhone 3GS to a low-mid end Motorola smartphone, and he really disliked it. Had it been a high end

Looks nice, will give it a shot.

Haha, look at all the mad people around here. Look at them.

I hear you. I hate it that here, where I work, everyone is very old school about almost everything, and close minded as they come. Not only that, we work 45 hours a week. I pretty much hate it but there's not much I can do.

Oh, I see. Well I think it looks nice, I do see myself using it, but I like Android too much at this point to switch.

They are don't really exist? Personally, I like both Windows and Linux.

Financisto. Helps me keep track of my income and expenses very nicely. I'd like to try Mint, but it isn't available in my country. I've tried several others but Financisto is the best IMO.

That looks very, very promising. I hope they keep it in the right track though. I've seen way to many games that stared out looking awesome and not deliver. If these guys play their cards right this can be amazing.

It would take you about half the time just Googling the acronym to find out its meaning than it did to post that comment. Come on, just don't come back saying something like "that's too much of a hassle". Seriously, it takes 3 seconds.

Ha! Cake's Crossbow Caking.

Yes, "democratic". Keep your head up high, you clearly know more than everyone else. You have the world figured out.

Sure, "neurologist". *Wink wink.

Damn, sounds tough. Reading about these things make me doubt I'm parent material.

Oh come on, it's a comment on a Gawker site. If you want to go and teach a lesson to every troll/poorly worded comment, you'll have to spend all day here. This isn't a museum, this isn't an art forum. Don't these guys know better? "OMG I gotta teach that guy a lesson! His notion of what minimalist art is is very

I don't understand? You're making comparisons that don't even make sense. Comparing Hitler to OP? Really? Besides, nothing would've happened if Hitler kept his "opinions" to himself, or commented about them on the internet. If OP decided to go on a killing rampage over his opinion about minimal art...that'd be a