
I'm not defending it, I'm just pointing out common misconceptions and ignorant assumptions most people do. Also, this is a Windows 8 article, so my comments are at least relevant here. Wanna talk Linux? There are plenty of articles out there about Linux, go brag there you big bad rabid dog.

Oh yeah? 176! Who's the punk now?

Sorry, I guess I didn't phrase it very well. I meant what TheBobmanNH said. It's difficult to find a time and place where you can do it without being seen.

Yeah. It doesn't help either that I'm the youngest and fittest employee here. Not that I'm fit or anything, but everyone else is either much older, very unfit, or both.

Well of course the more athletic ones are gonna be better than the old beer-chugging ones. That's true for every game/sport. Thing is, beer-chugging 60 year-olds can do it. I know several people who due to different circumstances were brought to golfing. One of them because of a knee injury (he used to play soccer,

Ha! I thought I was the only one who did that. It's a little difficult to pull it off when no one is watching, but it adds some thrill to the whole thing :P. I was caught once though, doing some jumping jacks in the coffee room. It wasn't too awkward though, I just said "Yeah, I like to do some of these every hour or

If 60 year-old, beer-chugging, big-bellied men can do it, when they cannot do any other real sports (football, soccer, basketball, baseball), it's fair to say it's a lazy sport. I mean, you don't even have to run, you can walk at your own pace, which is pretty slow in most cases, and on top of that you get to use a

Well, you're right about that. If they bought a PC with Win7 or 8 preinstalled, chances are they're using IE 9 or 10 anyways. Also, now that I think about it, I've never been faced with the situation of having to "force" them to use a browser. At this point, my family practically blindly follow my advice when it comes

Do you have any other PDF reader installed? If you do, just set it as the default program when opening PDFs. I'd recommend Sumatra PDF. It's very lightweight, and opens PDFs much faster than any other reader I've used. It doesn't have the bells and whistles others do, but if you only need to read PDFs rather than make

How is a HDD old fashioned? I'm aware that SSDs are newer and better in terms of speed, but HHDs are nowhere near old fashioned, and SSDs are nowhere near the norm. I use Linux as well, but I don't come here and "brag" about it. What do you expect people to tell you? "Congrats on using Linux! You're the best!"? What

Maybe that's what they mean, maybe they increase your performance by reducing the pain/discomfort of the callouses. I'm all against stupid marketing gimmicks like you said, and when I read the headline of this article I was like AW HELL NAW! However, on second thought, if they work as you describe, maybe it is

No full screen apps for me. I've been loving Windows 8. It's much faster and stable than any other Windows (even 7), but I just don't see the convenience of full screen apps over their Desktop counterparts. In fact, I've seen that most full screen apps are considerably worse in many areas.

"If I wanted to make it act like Windows 7, I wouldn't have upgraded."

Same here.

Well, if you care for your relatives, yes, it makes sense to make them use another browser. I know that IE has made amends on the latest versions, but if someone's using IE8 or lower, they're much more exposed to a ton of malware. That could mean having their bank accounts drained in some cases, so yeah, I'd force a

You can run Skyrim pretty well on a 6 year old laptop? What kind of futuristic monster did you buy?!

Damn, great response. Civil and articulate, that's very rare around here.

Just as it is in all cases, you're doing it wrong. AVG? Really? That AV is a piece of shit. Newer and better AVs are much faster and lighter. You can't even tell they're there. PC's don't need constant maintenance like you technologically impaired folks think they do. Last year, I spent no more than 30 minutes in PC

While those walking meetings are certainly better than sitting ones, I still don't think that could be considered exercise. Come on, if you're able to comfortably speak, you're not exercising. Exercise implies an important increase in heart rate, and if you're actually working it, running out of breath. There's no way

Very rarely crashes for me, and when it does, I just wait for about 5 seconds before it comes back on track. It's never been an issue really. Maybe you're using a faulty extension?