
Oh look, an angry Apple fanboy. How odd.

That seems suspiciously accurate...Good thing you're using a burner account, you could get fired over that Mr. Apple employee!

That was one of the stupidest things I've ever read. Not only is it dead wrong in almost EVERYTHING, you just copy-pasted some wall of text of a less than reputable, strongly biased source. Sometimes I find it funny when theist try to use science to back up their claims, but man, at least do some real research. How

Whoa, someone's MAD. Use whatever you WANT. I couldn't care LESS.

As much as I like Lifehacker, yes, this article was just that, like some others. Also, you owe me an apology. Hot coffee shot out of my nostrils. Not cool.

And what are you thoughts on both of them?

Hardcore typing games are the best games.

"Yay for atheism"?

Glad I could help. It's always comforting to light the path for the less capable.

Are you seriously taking logic as an argument for you? Do you think any of the things you believe as a religious person follow logic? Besides, you're just beating around the bush. The first thing I asked during this argument was the names of the atheist historians you claim have said that certain biblical events were

Good times. I got to try all of the different coffees available in most of those vending machines, and I gotta say, I miss them! Most were really, really good. Tons of caffeine too.

I'm not much of a crying person either, but The Walking Dead did it for me. I did cry at the end. It's really worth the price, don't hesitate on getting it and really getting into the story.

Not really. You can consume the same amount of calories, and as long as you USE more of them through exercise, you'll also lose weight. No need to eat less, just exercise more. Sure, for faster results, eating less+exercise is the best choice, calorie deprivation isn't the only way.

Assuming everything you said was true (which I'm not, since you still fail to provide a reliable source), all you said was that there's proof that a very small percentage of people mentioned somewhere in the bible existed, and that some of their characteristics are very plausible. That's all you said. Some people in

Same here. Small business, and the only bonus I can think of is a 2 weeks worth of pay bonus around Christmas time.

Perhaps the strangest pizza I saw when I lived in Japan was a pizza that had boiled egg, some algae, and I don't recall the rest. But boiled egg? Really? I love pizza, and I like bolied eggs, but the two combined? Ugh.

Oooh right in the feels. I used to watch that show as a kid, and I still have fond memories of it.

Those reasons I can understand, but clearly that's not what timgray means. He's part of the "Hate Windows 8" bandwagon. It's also annoying and unprofessional to use the "I work in IT" argument to try to give more weight to his opinion. There are plenty of engineers, lawyers, and teachers that have no idea what they're

It probably does, but at the those speeds, which are relatively slow, the mass gained would be of negligible value I think.