
Way to get off on a tangent. I never said girls shouldn't play video games. My fiancee does, she play some games with me, and that's one of the things I love about her. One thing is being a gamer girl, which is just fine, but it's a whole different story to play games publicly (on a stream) with your picture taking

Haha, that's true. I recently bought about 10 games on Steam in about 3 days. I was feeling kind of stupid for spending "all that money" so quickly in games, but it was actually about 45 bucks, just about 75% of the price of one console game. Now I feel like they were great deals, especially since I enjoy those games

Guilty. It's really hard for me to resist some offers. If I see a great game for 10 bucks or less, I'll probably buy it if it suits my interests. I have a ton of games that I haven't even installed.

I understand how language is constantly evolving, but IMHO, I think there should be a really clear line between proper language and slang. I even like the fact that there are different categories of slang, like gaming, meme, for texts, etc. I think it really helps to communicate faster in those particular contexts.

Wow man, you couldn't be more wrong with basically everything you said. I know you probably won't believe me, this being the internet and all, and I won't give you my Facebook info, but I do in fact have a fiancee, she's been my girlfriend for 6 years, and I have never mistreated her either physically or emotionally

What are you talking about? All I'm saying is people judge you based on how you look. I know that you can't judge a book by it's cover and what not, but people make those judgments based on experience. Girls that dress in revealing outfits, even if it isn't much, tend to be whores. Not all of them of course, but

Same with me. I could tell really early on into the article that he isn't very good at dealing with people, and struck me as someone rather childish and really high on himself.

Aaaaaand that's why people think you're a whore.

So, your faith in humanity is depleting because some dude is somewhat sexist in a game? Where he does no real harm to anyone? Geez. With all the real abusers out there, doing real harm not only to women, but to kids and animals, in horrendous acts of senseless cruelty, one would think this is nothing but a childish


I agree on being ethical rather than professional, but the correct way in any case would be to directly call the man on his BS, rather than being passive-aggressive. As Prismatist pointed out, if the behavior is abusive enough (beating, for instance), that should be informed to the police or other similar authority.

First of all, don't quite understand the grammar in your sentence. Assuming I understood correctly, you think it is all right for a hotel clerk to treat someone poorly if they're rude to their own family, correct?

Why are you to been rude? It are the common mistakes!

Wow, aren't you full of yourself? What's your age? I'm genuinely interested. Please don't say Baby Boomer.

While I understand the reasoning/emotions behind most of these, I think he/she isn't really fit for the job. If your job involves that amount of interaction with people, you can't be annoyed THAT easily, or you're gonna have a bad time. In the end, the guests you "get even with" won't remember any of the things you

As if they were force-feeding them. I'm sure companies include addictive ingredients in their products, but come on, you have WILLPOWER. They're not forcing anything upon you. You can break the habit if you want it. People are in fact too lazy to do it, that's all. As for genetic predispositions, they're not as common

Ha! That was actually pretty funny and clever IMO.

Same with me. Not only that, it performs better, using less RAM. Also, the addition of the Up one folder button, the new File Transfer dialogue, and the built-in antivirus make it hands down one of the best Windows releases. People that say otherwise are either Microsoft haters, or haven't even used Windows 8, but

Damn, I keep hearing wonders about Journey, but I don't own a PS3, and don't plan on doing so anytime soon :/. I hope it comes out for PC or Xbox360 sometime.

Tell me about it. I just got a new 360 2 weeks ago because my old one broke down. The old one was first gen, so I'm liking the "new" improved design. I guess I'll use the Wii U approach with the next Xbox. I won't get it on launch, but until a really great game for it comes out.