
What an ignorant comment. You either haven't used Windows 8 for more than 5 minutes, or you're just hopelessly technologically impaired. I've used Windows 8 since it launched, and it's been really great. I loved Windows 7, but 8 outperforms it very noticeably, and it has been stable as hell.

Haha. Whatever dude, really. Keep protecting your century-old laws as long as you like. You're certainly not responding with emotions at all. Good thing I don't have to stand people like you in my country. I rather deal with many other issues that are a reality here than having to live with people so ignorant and

Look at all these people resisting change. It amazes me how stubborn some people can be. I'd try to convince them, but eh, why waste my time with people that hardheaded.

This comment (and many others) are the real joke here.

Jeez, some people are just very sensitive I guess. All right, your opinions are all awesome, respectable, and obviously reasonable. Better? Will I stop getting complaints if I just tell people what they want to hear rather than what I think?

I don't. I'm aware that not ALL of CoD players are the stereotypical 12 year old raging fanboy, but according to my experience (both playing, and knowing quite a few of them), most are. In my comment, I just took a wild guess that I though would most likely be right. Maybe that particular person isn't like that, but

So, since my opinion, developed by experience and analysis, differs from yours, I'm a douche?

Oh look, a fitting response for someone who's likely a CoD fanboy. The grammar, spelling, and insult throwing attitude characteristic of the typical CoD player. You're just proving my point.

Not all concepts of light and optics of course. But the concept of why images are "flipped" in a mirror is a very simple one indeed. To be honest, I never thought people would wonder why it's flipped horizontally but not vertically. I literally never thought that could go through someone's head, at least seriously.

I hear you. I mean really, I know that there are plenty of people that aren't too bright, but seriously, this is some Sesame Street material, if anything.

Geography has nothing to do with logic. It's merely exposure, study (of some sort at least) and memorization. Knowing how reflections work is simple logic. It doesn't take much more than simple spatial awareness. I am aware that some (if not most) people struggle with that sort of things, and I can't help but worry. I

As I said, I do tip occasionally. What I mean with occasionally is basically as long as the service is at the very least, good. I'm not expecting to be treated like a king or anything, and I know that waiting multiple tables is quite a lot to handle sometimes, but I have to see some effort. I don't feel like I HAVE to

Ha! The banana-kill was the best part!

Wuut. A quick visit to the site let's me know that indeed, Canada is supported. As far as I can see however, those are the only supported countries until now. I think they plan on adding more countries in the future. One more reason to add to my "I wanna move to Canada" list.

That's the thing. Your experience OVERSEAS. Feel free to take your guns overseas, by all means go ahead. Having them in the U.S. is the problem. I know there are some responsible gun owners, but the number of irresponsible owners is too high. Of course, none of the irresponsible users will admit they're in fact

"Why is it your peroggative to dictate what people are responsible or not? It is called a freedom. It is regulated already, I am not for a ban, but I am willing to talk certain regulations if they make sense."

You're welcome!

Actually, the behavior isn't entirely identical. The people who run those establishments have the responsibility to properly remunerate their employees, it shouldn't fall on the customers' shoulders. I feel for them, but it isn't my fault their wage isn't as comfortable as they'd like.

Some of them were pretty brutal. I'd say most people wouldn't be able to walk out alive of about half of them.

Ooooh, I see why you would want to do that hehe. * hint hint *wink wink >:)