
The wallpaper alone is awesome. The setup is pretty sweet too, but I'm yet to learn how to set up Arch properly from scratch. For now, the wallpaper should suffice. Thanks!

Yeah I guess so. After all, all the good things in the bible HAVE been thoroughly proven. By someone, some time, but I'm not telling you who or when. And everything that's bad in the bibleis open to interpretation and it's actually a good thing.

Oh, you think biblical events actually happened. Okay.

Man, tell me about it. I got Tasker about 2 months ago, and I haven't used it yet. Not once. I tried to configure something but it didn't work. I need to dive into the Wiki or something, but I always forget.

I know! WTF is that? And WHY?

Oh man, this is one of the hardest things for me to do. If I KNOW someone is wrong about something, I WILL make them see that. And I get on so many arguments with religious people about their beliefs. I know it may be somewhat out of context, but it baffles me how they can be SO CERTAIN about something they cannot

Yeah, that makes sense. To be fair, I think it's very common in other languages too, but since English is like the language of the Internet, it has much more notoriety. Also, I've heard Russian is one of the hardest languages to learn, so I can imagine you guys studying it a lot.

I'm aware of that. I'm not a grammar Nazi by any means. With that, I mean I don't go around pissing off people about their grammar or spelling, but I do notice it, all the time. I do expect correct grammar and spelling for more formal occasions though. Anyways, I've found that those kinds of things speak more about

This is a thread talking about grammar pet peeves. I just stated mine.

Whatever you want to call it. I don't lose anything whether you use it or not. I'm just sharing my positive experience with it, and I have succeeded in convincing about 5 people now. Of course, there're always a few people that are too afraid of change. Feel free to keep 7 as long as you like, your loss.

I did the upgrade through here:

I'm using it right now. I got the 40 dollar upgrade the day it came out. I haven't experienced any issues with it at all. Not with my games, not with my browsing, not with my printers, none. It's been much smoother than Windows 7 was (even when Windows 7 was great), and while the new interface isn't used much (about

One of the things that really gets to me is the fact that most of the time, people who make mistakes on either grammar or spelling have English as their first language. English is my second language, so it baffles me when I see people who are supposed to be better at it having it all wrong. Not being able to tell the

All I heard was: "I haven't even USED Windows 8 yet, but everyone hates it, so here goes a witty comment!"

What I'm saying still applies. You can't speak for everybody. Those who have, as many people in my examples did, have been all proven wrong. I'm not saying you most definitely are wrong, but you can't state that you're correct either. All we can do is wait and see. Who knows, it may work and be awesome, it may not

"For people a PC is never going to be associated with a living room, no matter what." Try and speak for yourself, and yourself only. The moment you pretend like you know what EVERYONE thinks is the moment you started to be wrong. You can state your opinion, but not everyone else's. Historically, there have been

Yeah that's what I thought. As far as I know, it's those forces, generated by some explosion far away, that probably happened a very long time ago.

Is that the force that moves comets? I love everything about astronomy, but I didn't know that.

Yeah, it sucks, but what can you expect, really? I'm not condoning that kind of behavior, but we're talking about kids here. Most of the people in Xbox Live are kids, not older than 15 perhaps. They're the ones with lots of spare time, and probably not many other hobbies. It's like going to a kindergarten, in a way.

If you're not interested, why the hell would you take the time to not only click on the article (which gives them more reasons to post articles like this one), but to post a comment only to whine? I'm not sure if you're trolling or not, but really, stop being a bitch, Dale. As others have said, use Kotaku Core if you