
Is that axe holiday music giving you a headache, or is that you wanting to axe people on the head?

I'm curious, does anyone here know how it compares to the default 4.2 keyboard? I has very similar functionality built-in. I think it works rather well. I'm not sure if this will be any different.

Riiight, only to check why LH would post a photo like that...

If the point of it is to leave a mark, they should be flipped horizontally. I had already typed the whole '' ド " thing, but then I noticed you had it covered.

Haha, yeah, I bet you're quite the athlete. If you were, you'd be doing the real sport, not playing it on a videogame. Also, your use of 'LOOOOL' and lack of grammar/capitalization skill tells me you're 12, 14 years old maybe. Either that, or not too bright. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't say that to my face in real

I'd like to think that would be the case, but I've read about a lot of frivolous lawsuits, even more so than this one, being successful. It's ridiculous.

You haven't played New Vegas??? Maybe I'm exaggerating, but I enjoyed it a lot. I'd recommend waiting for the upcoming holiday sale on Steam. I got it for about 7 bucks if I remember correctly.

*Sigh* I wish this was available for my country :/

Thank you Whitson, and Lifehacker in general. All of these are AWESOME. These kinds of articles are the reason I bookmarked LH when I discovered it a few years ago. :)

Huh. I didn't catch that, and my first language is Spanish. :/

I hope you're a troll, but here, I'll respond anyways despite my better judgement. He's talking about Dragonborn, the new DLC that just came out for Xbox360. It's still not available on PC, so there's no way you can tell there aren't any bugs on it yet. Besides, as other have stated, if you haven't experienced bugs in

Oh man how I hate Instagram. Making obnoxious people feel like pro photographers/poets/philosophers.

Thing is, from what I see, you're a minority. You say that you don't care if your devices say Apple or not, and I believe you, but there are a LOT of people out there that do care, and will buy anything that has a bitten apple as a logo, whether they need it or not. It only takes a look at any Apple store when a new

It hardly counts if people do it to fit in, or as part of a trend. Personally, most of the people I know that prefer Apple products don't know anything about technology and gadgets, they wouldn't even be able to differentiate between an Asus Transformer Pad Infinity and an iPad. They don't know the specs, the pros and

What about Apple products? Hell, 90% of the list should be Apple products. Very biased list.

It's too late now, EMBRACE THE INSANITY.