
By the way, I forgot to add to my respone, that's an interesting username. Do you play bass?

That's precisely why it's scary. Religious people believe something BETTER comes after death. Eternal bliss, reunited with friends and family that parted before one self. It must be really comforting to truly believe that, but I don't, and it's one of those things you can't simply opt to believe. Just as a side note,

Oh man, dealing with death. I'm an atheist, so it's particularly mind boggling and difficult for me. I know it's probably off topic, but death scares the living hell out of me.

It's 2 stupid! Die!

Candy spoons eh? 'Merica!

"Ohh! Change! Stay away from me!" -You.

If you have experienced Blue Screens anytime after Windows XP, you're doing something wrong. Faulty hardware or terrible computer practices. I'm yet to see a Blue Screen and I have used Windows ever since I learned how to use a computer.

Well, yeah, but as greedy and evil as they can be, it's because of them that the game can get distributed and produced in the first place. Don't get me wrong, I'm not siding with them. I'm all about giving freedom of development to the studios and not screwing the customers with stupid DLC, crippled games, and caring

But where does one draw the line? If there's a studio or company that produces a game that you're passionate about, it makes some sense to feel somewhat, just a little bit passionate about the company as well. If it does bad (financially) for instance, they may stop producing the game you love, and it affects you

I used Launchy for a long time, and it was great, but then I realized I could do the very same things without it. It does make some things easier but I don't really use all of its features. For me, Windows Key+typing and a few custom macros here and there are more than enough.

Awesome, thanks!

That's absolutely right. I'm a Mexican living in México and that's the truth, unfortunately. Anyone with some amount of power or influence eventually gets involved, whether they want to or not. It always like that for most politicians. Either they help the cartels, or they get killed along with their families. Cartels

It's actually been great for me, and I use mouse and keyboard. You don't even see the "Tablet UI" most of the time. Really, don't listen to the bunch of whiners that just love to hate on Microsoft. Windows 8 is great, I'm yet to find an issue with it. It's smoother, uses less resources, and has quite a few new

Or, you know, learn how to use the system that makes much more sense and literally everyone else uses... Also, it does have the option.

Tell me about it. I love technology myself, and enjoy playing games and just being in the computer quite a lot, but come on, my younger cousins (aged 8-15) just literally don't do anything that doesn't involve screens unless my uncle or aunt force them. Not even on vacation trips! I'm not talking about your regular,

This isn't objective at all, you're just traumatized because you are fat. I don't mean to sound like an ass (although I probably do), but you're NOT looking at this objectively.

Yeah, I think the 80% area thing should be enough, 40% is way too little assuming both the man and the women are average.

Have you used AdAway? If you have, would you consider this better, worse, similar? I use ABP for Chrome and FF, so I would like the consistency and familiarity, but AdAway has worked great, so I don't really see a reason to use ABP unless it's considerably better both in terms of performance and battery consumption.

You're one of THEM. The YOLO chanting crew. Eek.

Protein dense does not necessarily mean meat. Also, if your hands are smaller, chances are your body is too, which would mean you need less food to fuel it, unless there's something very unusual involved, like you being an athlete, or having abnormally small hands or something like that.