
There are "too many" multilingual people in the world? Where did you read that? Or did you come up with that? What's the actual percentage of people that speak 3 languages or more? What are those languages? Are they similar? Because if they are, it's not the same thing as speaking 3 completely different languages. For

I know you wanted to sound clever here but no... You just made those numbers up. Don't expect anyone to take you seriously when you do that. Say whatever you want but hacking is one thing, and using social skills+info from Facebook/Twitter is a whole other thing. Yes, they can be used simultaneously to make everything

You can't get into it because of that? News flash. That's how it's always been, and the popularity of the game is still growing. I agree that a community like that sucks, but come one, if that's keeping you from playing the game, you must be one sissy pansy crybaby. Even if you are one, you can mute everyone if you

I've been wanting to encrypt my hard drive for a while, but honestly, I don't really see the point, and I'm certainly not sure if it's gonna be worth the hassle.

Typical "gamer" caring about graphics. As soon as someone mentions "the graphics were bad" I automatically dismiss any opinion from that person thereafter. It's all about how fun the game is. Minecraft is an awesome game, incredibly fun, despite its graphics. The same goes for the Penumbra series, Age of Empires II,

Hacking= Being persuasive and using social media. Right.

All sorts of tools are valuable for scientists as well, but they're not called Mechanics. Computers are very, very useful for accountants, bankers, designers, but they're not computer scientists. While social engineering can be very useful for hackers, that's not what defines them as hackers. It's merely a plus.

I wouldn't really trust Trend Micro. Anyways, it could be a false positive, it may actually be dangerous, as far as I know, if I don't need to see it, I rather not mess with it.

Not that hard? How many languages do you speak? My first language is Spanish, but I speak fluent English (with a TOEFL score of 650) and intermediate Japanese. Let me tell you, learning foreign languages is HARD, especially when grammar structure is totally different.

Look at all these butthurt people replying to your comment. I'm guessing they feel like they're very attractive and not crazy...Or maybe they're aware they're ugly but sane, or attractive but crazy. Either way, I think you're right.

Do you know by any chance if powering off your PC while something bad is happening in minecraft prevents it from happening? Not closing minecraft, but powering off the machine completely. Maybe I'll try that some day...

That's why I kinda hate knowing something about the subject. I'm no hacker by ANY means, not even close, but I do know that's NOT how hacking looks like. It still kinda ruins it for me.

Same here. I wanted to get it at launch, but if it doesn't have a Zelda or Smash Bros yet, I don't really have any reason to get it yet.

As cool as this looks, I'm a gamer, so I'll basically stick to gaming keyboards. I'm sure there must be something out there that meets that requirement as well, but this does look rather nice.

That was an interesting read! But yeah, I know several people who are practically germophobes, and they are very sickly people. They claim they'd be even more if they weren't so "clean conscious", and won't believe me when I say they're sickly precisely because of their obsessive habits.

Great list IMO. Some of my favorite games are right there. Bioshock, Red Dead Redemption, Halo Reach, Skyrim, ACII. I'm yet to play some of the rest, like Dishonored and XCOM, but I'll get there.

Let me guess, you're the kind of "gamers" that love CoD right? Bioshock is much more than a shooter. Its lore, its atmosphere, the message it conveys, there's much more to it than the actual shooting.

So this is a very relevant comparison...if you're the kind of person that likes to stick your eyeballs to the screen of your phone.

All of that makes sense, but I'm not sure that's what's gonna happen if we keep using anti-bacterial stuff. Anyways, I never use stuff like that. I've noticed that the more careful people are with those things (OMG hand sanitizer, OMG disinfect the WHOLE HOUSE) get sick more often than those who are a bit more relaxed

Same here. Still, I can't help but get nervous on flights. Sweaty hands all the way until I land, which is weird, since I'm aware of how safe it is.