
This. Awesome song, and appropriate.

That sounds nice and all, but there's still a difference.

Man, as cool headed as I am, I hope I'll be able to think straight and act fast in a situation like that like this guy did.

Reminds me of Apple...

I put everything essential in one place. Although my watch isn't essential, I never forget it, mainly because my arm feels weird without it. I take advantage of that and place everything next to it (wallet, phone, keys...).

Not sure if serious or joking, because it's funny, but it concerns me at the same time.

Yeah I noticed...But I mean it! I was skeptical at first, too. I'm a gamer, so I was concerned about the compatibility of my games more than anything else. Still, I decided to do the upgrade, mainly because of the performance increases, and it delivered. I know it still sounds somewhat cliched but that has been my

What are you, 12? It's a really cheap upgrade, and despite what most whiners around here say, Windows 8 is awesome. It's the smoothest, most feature rich Windows yet. I was an early adopter of Windows 7 and loved it, but I really don't miss it.

I don't understand why people are so reluctant to change. The performance gains alone should be enough reason to upgrade, not to mention all the new features, and the fact that the new interface isn't as bad as people say it is. I guarantee most of those complainers haven't used Windows 8 for more than 10 minutes.

I've had a great experience with it so far. Ignore all the comments that go along the lines of "Ewww Metro UI suuuuckksss its like looking at legos oh my goshhhhh". If you dislike the new interface, you don't have to use it, it's there like 0.7% of the time. The lack of Start Menu is barely noticeable, at least for

It's kind how I feel now that I want to learn to develop Android apps. On top of that, I think I'm not making much progress, it isn't one of those things that you can really learn without proper guidance IMO.

You say it like it's a bad thing. I'd LOVE to create something that creates that kind of effect, whatever it is.

I'm just happy that for once Apple is getting what it deserves. I hope they pay for all their BS until they go bankrupt. Imagine all that money back into society and off Apple's hands. Sounds great to me.

Well, if he uses a Mac, he can't really be tech-savvy.

I don't know about you guys, but I want a sequel to RDR badly, NOW!

That's true. Still, the story is about a boy named Link, who saves a princess. You can change the gender, and change it a bit to make it a girl named Link who saves a prince, or her brother or something, but I just think it's a little weird to modify a story like that, especially one that is as solid and popular as

Well, you do have a point, there are a ton of games that aren't appropriate for younger kids. What I'm trying to say is that if the game IS appropriate, like Wind Waker is, I think it's irrelevant whether Link is male or female. When I play, it's not a thought that's running through my mind like "I'm a guy...I'm a

I'm not saying he can't, I'm aware it's a nice gesture, and I'll surely do things along those lines when I have kids someday, but I also think it's not particularly healthy past certain point. I think it's not good when kids are TOO sheltered. Some sheltering is great, I was pretty sheltered myself, but there's a

I've never really bothered with that really. If I get to choose, I'll choose my gender, if not, I don't mind. I've played a lot of great games as a male character and some other great games as a female protagonist.

I think his gesture was well intended, but come on, you can't just go and change everything to make it a little bit more special for someone. There are a ton of games out there that have females as protagonists. Besides, imagine a few years from now, when she finds out Link is actually a boy and not a girl like she