
Yeah that's pretty sick. When I was about 7 years old, I was told that wasn't supposed to be in the film, that it got there mysteriously and that it was supposed to be the face of the devil himself. I was so scared of it for several years until I found out that it was obviously part of it haha.

No matter what anyone says, The Exorcist is still one of the best, and scariest films of all time. Everything beyond 2000 has been pure garbage IMO.

Did you use them as nun chucks or something? I know several people that have had Logitech mice for more than 3 years at least with no issues. From what I've heard, they're some of the most durable products out there. I'm currently using a Corsair M90, but my next mouse will definitely be a Logitech.

Well, I don't know if it counts, but we're more like a cold type of family. We love each other and everything, we get along pretty well, but from what I've noticed watching other families (friends, fiancee), I noticed my family is pretty cold. We very rarely say loving words to each other, and birthday celebrations

Oh man I know. Whenever I see someone doing that, I instantly assume they (and their whole family) are weird. As in bad weird.

Man, that's an awesome guide! Thanks!

Great article Evan. One of the best I've read in Gawker Media for sure.

No problem. I hate being "that guy" but I noticed and thought it'd help.

I've talked to my fiancee about this, and we've agreed that on weekends I'll still sleep in. No matter what. Well you know, except for emergencies, but luckily for me she's a morning person. I an NOT. BY FAR. So we've agreed that she'll do the morning work, and I'll do the night shift, since I tend to go to bed really

"No one purported this to by mystical."

Hasn't that been a part of Youtube (Google) for quite a while now?

LOL, nice!

Thing is, religious people live their life based upon their beliefs, no matter how ridiculous, implausible, and even contradictory upon themselves. Not only that, but they judge other people and cultures based on that, and even merge it with politics.

Couldn't have said that better.

Agree to disagree then. I reckon you've made very valid points, so I'm more than happy to leave it there. I'm sorry if I sounded kind of like a douche, but it's something really close to home since it was always my dream to make it big as a musician, but I'm stuck in my 9 to 5 job.

Agreed. Still, I find it hard to imagine, an interplanetary-human race-wide moving. I can't even begin to grasp the idea of what could happen. I can think of several outcomes but they all seem very unreal.

What do you suggest? Blink to unlock? Tap? Pan? Twist? Sneeze? Given the interface of a touchscreen device, you can only go so far before it gets ridiculous/uncomfortable.

Well that's cool and all, but several things don't quite get to me. First, my IQ is 234 (Mega Genius). Se what I did there? We can say whatever we want here. I don't know you and I have no way to prove if you're telling the truth. Given the odds, I'd say no, but your argument was well constructed so I'll give you the

Yeah, you're not getting it. It's all right, most people can't grasp certain concepts that are above their understanding.

For me, it's been more about how much I know about what I'm doing when on stage. I remember once in high school, when I had this team project we had to show to the rest of the class. I didn't prepare myself very well, so when my time to speak came up, I froze. It wasn't a big assignment or anything, I just literally