
Exactly. My friends and I have been there as well many times. One of us goes "Man, I'm feeling lazy today..." and about 95% of the time, the other one goes "Come on don't be a wimp, wanna be able to break your record on pullups/pushups (or any other exercise)?" We occasionally skip a day or two, but it doesn't happen

What has really worked for me is going to the gym with a friend. It makes it harder for us to skip it, since we don't want to be "the guy that always skips the gym", or something like that. When you go alone, it's easy for you to say "I'm not feeling like it today, maybe tomorrow". It's much harder to have to say that

This +1

Looks really, really nice. I'll give it a try, but as some others have said, I rarely see my desktop at all, so I don't know if it'd be worth it.

Well, more reasons to ask for a detailed comparison! There was a time when I was thinking of switching to Lookout, but having used Avast on my PC for years with 0 problems, I thought I'd be better off keeping Avast. Still, I'm open to see an unbiased comparison and decide upon that.

IMHO, Avast is much better. I've read some complaints from Lookout users, but none from Avast users. Still, I don't have much to back this up, so a detailed comparison would be awesome.

That doesn't change the fact that they know more about the subject than someone who likes Lil Wayne, or other popular "artists" for that matter. Sounding like a dick doesn't make someone wrong. I agree that the matter is ultimately an opinion, but you can't deny that there are informed, well-thought opinions, and

While you're technically correct in everything you said, I assume you're not a musician, correct? Look at it this way. Think about the target demographic of Lil Wayne's "music". Who are they? What are their ages? Their IQ? What's their musical education? Compare that to other demographics, those that prefer classical

Thing is, there are bad tastes. Say whatever you want about all tastes being valid and whatever, that's not the case. By your logic, things that are popular are therefore good, and I hope we can agree that's not true.

*Sigh* Again with the "There's cancer to be cured!" card. I agree, it is a pretty pointless pseudo-research. There are a TON of those, everywhere. Anyway, what do you expect? Let's ALL look for a cure for cancer. ALL of us. EVERY researcher, regardless of their field of expertise, should look for a cure for cancer.

Dat math.

Oh look, another mad fanboy.

Maybe something SUPER-MEGA-GIGA-QUAZITASTICALLY WONDERFUL will happen eventually? No?

I've always wondered if having an Ad Blocker installed actually does anything other than keeping the ads away. Do sites still get money for our clicks/views regardless? Or can they somehow know the amount of people with Ad Blockers installed and discount that from the payment to the site?

Ignoracnce, ignorance everywhere.

"Those guys were a couple of wussies huh?" -Nacho Libre

Have you seen all the games that have female characters as protagonists? Do you see now why comments like yours don't get taken seriously? Do a little research before "preaching".

"This is a video game, so I must be forced to play as a male character"? There are tons of games in which you can play a female character, so that doesn't really stand. I'm all in for equality and girls gaming. My fiancee is a gamer, a good one at that, that's one of the things I love about her.

What a lame attempt at trolling. Grow up.

Because they all look like a bunch of pretentious hipsters? I love indie games but to be honest they give me the vibe of being nothing else than hipsters that think they're cooler than everyone else.