
You must be quite the ladies man. You know, with the bashing on people you don't even know on a videogame blog...

Exactly. I really like where this is going as well, I'm sure it will have a lot of practical applications, but it won't be the best for everything. It'll be great for CAD, gaming, design in general, but for office work, maybe in a smaller scale. Shoulders should be a pain after a few hours for sure, but I think we can

Oh you wanna inject snake venom into my bloodstream? No thanks! I'll take the pain please.

Yeah, there's something about the helmets that doesn't look right. I really liked the ones in Reach, but from what I've seen, helmets in 4 look weird. Like angrier, but not cooler.

It probably helps too.*

Well, yeah that makes sense.

Yep. A sad reality in basically every country. I live in Mexico, it's awful here politics-wise. The last election was total fraud.

Like iTunes and Quicktime on Windows...everyone does that, what did you expect? Not only that, Apple doesn't even provide any software other than those 2 to other platforms, and if they did, believe me, they'd be hobbled versions as well.

I think it's really awesome. I guess it's just a matter of taste. You go ahead and build/design to your liking when you become a millionaire.

They didn't say that's the case for all, they used mostly the average on every category, but I think they did choose some pretty pricey accessories. I'll agree with you with the writing getting ridiculous though. Just a bunch of click-bait headlines for "articles" that lack any content. There are a few good ones here

Unfortunately, I'm not really the one to speak. As far as I know, I have a terrible taste in clothing. Good thing my fiancee is there to save the day.

But all of those unfortunate side effects of obesity go back to normal if you lose weight I assume?

What I'm trying to say is that an OS exclusively for gaming sounds weird. Optimized for games is one thing, but exclusively? That's a console.

Good luck ripping it off being DEAD.

Wouldn't that make PCs basically another console?

Even if I had that kind of money, fancy clothing would be the LAAAAAAST thing on my mind.

That's what people said when the first Xbox was announced, and I don't know about you, but I love my Xbox360. I understand it may be a bumpy ride starting off a new branch of consumer products, but they've done a good job in the past. Personally, I have no reason to think they'll fail at this, I'm rather excited to

Oh I see what you did there. It's to obvious I'd say.

Hahaha nice! I actually had a good laugh at that.

Exactly. It bugs me when people fall for "It has the best screen! It has the longest battery life! It has the brightest light!". I'd go for "It has 10% more pixels on the same screen size! It lasts 5 more hours than the other battery! It's capable of producing 100 lux, compared to the other one which produces 92!"