
Well, for the most part that's true, and everyone should be aware of that. However, there can be "best" products if you narrow it a bit. For instance, if you measure how much noise gets cancelled from a variety of noise-cancelling headphones, the one that measures more cancelled dB would be the best one. For the bike

It's not about the controls, it's about the atmosphere, the trill. When playing RE 1, an encounter with just ONE zombie was a 50% chance of death. Encountering 2 or 3? Better run, or try your luck and fight in an often close combat. You really felt death was just around the corner, and zombies were dangerous and

I read it, and it basically says that once you're fat, you'll be much more prone to more fatness. I know that, the fatter you get, the harder it is to go back. That's common sense. My point is that despite the fact that it might be harder, it's not impossible. If you have the willpower, you can overcome less than

Well, not all doctors. Some doctors treat cases that aren't life threatening. Think about all the cosmetic surgeons for examples. Let's look at it from another angle. Engineers, salespeople, teachers. Whatever success they may have, as long as it's honest, it's theirs and their only. Yes, I'm all in for helping

Thanks! It's been really great, and what most people don't know is that it just gets easier with time. The first 3 weeks are the toughest, because you need to build a new habit from scratch, and a hard one at that. After that, once it becomes part of your routine, it becomes much easier. When you start seeing results,

You're absolutely right. Thing is, at least with the milk, it was indeed a ridiculous amount. I had on average about 3 liters daily. I know it's not a record breaking thing or anything, but 3 liters per day is way more than what the average people consumes I guess. I still have some from time to time with my cereal,

Should patients who get cured by a doctor feel weird because said doctor can afford a nice house?

Please, tell us how you would give your money away if you happened to earn a whole lot of it. Or better yet, tell us how you're helping people in Africa, or even in you own country, you don't have to go too far.

Excuses excuses. I've seen a LOT of people going from fat to downright fit enough times to convince me that if you really want to, you can shed the weight. That was the case with me as well. In just 6 months I've lost 13kg of fat, and gained 5kg in muscle. It's been tough. I've cut off chips, popcorn and milk (I

Don't be a faggot. Don't smoke.


I agree that the company of someone positive is better, but it's not that bad otherwise, unless you're easily affected by them. Not at all, I rather enjoy this.

You're not alone, I prefer physical media as well, for my music and games at least. I love the convenience Steam and Amazon provide, but if getting the physical copy is within my reach, I'd rather have that. No DRM (for music) of any kind, and I often like the artwork included.

Go hang out with beliebers and twihards then, it seems like you'd enjoy their company. Also, you seem to be wasting time telling me how you dislike people who waste their time talking about things they don't like. Do you find yourself annoying?

Really? You can instantly assume someone has no life because they bash on Apple fanboys? Intriguing! That must be quite a talent you have. What can you assume about me because of my comments? How is anyone bitching on the internet any different from you, when you're doing the exact same thing? I await your answer, I'm

Well, there's a fine line. Most Apple fanboys display their often unhealthy amount of love for Apple by shitting on others to begin with.

And why is that exactly? Just because?

I know that feel bro. For a moment there I was like OH SHIT. Jesus used Sensationalist headline, it's super effective! Sigh.

I know right, ever since the invention of modern cutlery a couple of years ago it's been a whole new way to eat.

So mad.