
Your assumptions are wrong. I own several Apple products. There's no denying they have turned into the assholes of the industry, and I hate them for that. Go on and defend them any way you like. I used to really like their products, and their marketing is arguably the best thing about them, but the way they handle

Oh man, it's just a matter of time before Apple implements this into iOS and call it "their own innovation". Then, Microsoft should sue their ass off. Seriously, if I had the money and power required, I'd make Apple disappear.

Ah! Touché!

Looks nice, but I still rather build my rig from scratch. It's cheaper, and I like knowing exactly what's inside my PC. Also, there's something about building it myself that I like. A feeling similar to "It's alive! It's aliveeeee!".

Looks awesome. It will be a tough choice between this and a SGS3

#2 (the one with the 3 gears) looks cool, but they wouldn't really be able to do anything. As nice as it looks it kind of bugs me :/.

Gah, can't tell if I should pronounce it McPixel as in McDonald's, or MCPixel as in MC Hammer. The c isn't capitalized, so I'm inclined to say MacPixel, but I still read it both ways in my head at the same time.

But I want it NOW because of REASONS!

I already did on mine, ha!

That's what I thought too. It's the most logical explanation, and as far as I know, it's been well known that shadows look like that in these kinds of pictures. Maybe it's not as well known as I thought and we're both geniuses? Let's go with that and call it a day.

Want. Want now. NOW DAMMIT.

Why is everyone throwing such tantrums over this? I know it's ridiculous, but it certainly isn't the first, or only product that does the same. It happens with clothing, haircuts, perfumes, jewelery, and a whole lot of other stuff. Women always seem to be willing to pay more for everything, as long as it's presented

Please, Samsung sitting back? They're selling many, many more phones than Apple is, both for wp7 and Android. Not only that, EVERY singe iProduct out there has Samsung's components inside. Your iProducts wouldn't be the products you know if it wasn't for Samsung, ironically.

Yeah, I ran right into that one. I guess I get hopeful sometimes.

Lastpass is awesome, but I keep forgetting the master password, so I have to reset it quite more frequently than I'd like to admit.

Well, nobody mentioned it here, but I've seen the praise some people give to that logo. I never really understood that. It looks cool and all but Nothing to write home about IMO. I'm sorry if it felt out of place, but I've seen so many people practically drool over it, but Microsoft changes their logo and all I hear

Ha! That wouldn't be too surprising now that you mention it.

Well, you do have a point. I've actually wondered that myself. I can't really tell if Ocarina of Time was really as great as I remember, or of it's the fact that it's nostalgic, and that it was, as you describe it, groundbreaking, the first of its kind. I'm sorry if I was rude to you earlier. You've made good points

It's not the graphics per se, its the whole package, what can be done with new technology. The jump from 2D to 3D was a huge leap for immersiveness, and brought a lot of new possibilities in terms of gameplay. What's great about new consoles is the new gameplay aspects they bring to the table. Still, you can't rely on

Amen brother.