
I know I'd probably be better off eating garbage, it'd be healthier, but man that looks awesome. I'm not gonna lie, if I had like 50 of those right in front of me right now, they'd be gone in about 30 minutes.

You clearly haven't used an Android phone. wp7 looks awesome as well, but Android feels much more like a complete experience. Lots of customization, I can make my phone look and work just the way I want to. iOS barely lets you change your wallpaper. Widgets? What is that? All iOS is able to do is a grid of rounded

...and a bitten apple is better because...?

That's precisely what I was thinking. It came to my mind that the target demographic for the Zeer can't possibly afford to use water for cooling rather than drinking. If they could get the water back however, it makes much more sense. The Zeer is great, but that's an important issue that I believe should be addressed

How old are you? Just out of curiosity. I'm guessing you're not over 15, because I don't want to think someone older than that thinks that way. "OMG IS SO NEW IS TEH BEST GRAPHICS OMG GUISE I CAN SEE THE SWEAT ON THEIR FOREHEADS YEAH" That's what you sound to me, and every other serious gamer out there. Gaming is

Companies now a days are just a bunch of sissies. They've been too busy suing the asses out of each other and bashing on competition rather than improving their product. If your product is genuinely good (or at least, make people believe it is), it will sell. Period.

Hello Bruce, thank you for being here! I'm currently looking for an apartment for me and my soon-to-be wife. What would you say are some of the most important things to take into account? What are some of the things landlords are not telling me that I should know? Any uncommon/important tips? Thanks!

Why do you keep digging yourself deeper into the whole? Are you seriously implying that a PC costs more than a Mac? Really? There's no way I can take you seriously now, you're most definitely a troll. Should've seen it earlier. It's either that or you're just hopelessly misled. Either way, no wasting any more time

You really don't know what you're talking about. Not able to handle large music libraries? Please. And come on, don't even dare to say you don't have 5 minutes to "fuck around" any piece of software. Anyways, if you're going to be so voluntarily ignorant about it, you deserve to pay higher prices for your gadgets.

That's exactly right. Have you seen the responses of these people? "I don't use anything other than iTunes because I have a job and a family..." Isn't that one of the stupidest "reasons" you've ever heard? For anything? As if you require more than 5 minutes to set up any other media player. Just shows what kind of

Is "having a job and a family" really your reason? You must not be very bright if THAT is the reason you come up with for using iTunes instead of one of the many other better media players.


Oh, I should've known. Thanks for the tip! I'll be casting my vote again now.

That's what I was thinking, but it wouldn't be as annoying if it was only one hand at a time, but using both at the same time holding something the size of the game pad will get old and annoying pretty fast. It's be like hitting the zombies with a rock, as opposed to hitting them with a bat or something, which would

Great, just as I was starting to get used to the previous commenting system. You know guys, sometimes it's better to not change anything for a long time than changing it constantly, even if it's to "improve" it. I appreciate the effort and the fact that you addressed our complaints, but come on, let changes at least

Vote: Foobar2000 FTW!

Oh look, another person defending religion by insulting those who don't agree with them. So, what I get from your comment is: You have a lot of unanswered questions about the universe, so you decide to believe in fairy tales, correct? Say whatever you want about religion being different than fairy tales, but come on,

VOTE: Foobar2000

Yeah I figured. I have to work on weekends but on very rare occasions. I certainly hope people who have to work on weekends at least have their time valued properly, because man do I love my weekends.

Just out curiosity, and if you don't mind answering, what do you do at work? Why does it have to be on the weekend? Do you not get 1 or 2 days to rest any other time of the week?