
More likely Trumps press secretary


I would nope the fuck out if a boyfriend secretly came to clean my house. Like HELL NAW, nope to him seeing my dirty undies, finding my unmentionables, my possible stash of embarassing OTC meds (I don’t want my significant other to know if I had twenty kinds of gas relieving meds, or something even more private like th

How is there not a reality show documenting this?  Surely America is willing to sink that low.

The bears hunger for our immortal souls

If you’re like me, you need a mental reset every time you see one of the Sarsgaard or Skarsgard actors:

Republicanism is like a dozen donuts on a table where a rich guy, a poor white guy, and a poor black guy are sitting. The rich guy comes, takes 11 donuts, then says to the poor white guy “that black guy wants your donut!”

Always read the pronunciation guide, they say....

Nah. While the term certainly applies, it’s not goofy/literate enough to be satisfying.

(Perhaps “Colostomy Bag?”)

“i believe in a shadowy organisation so powerful that it is able to manipulate public opinion by orchestrating false-flag attacks with actors as victims, but i also believe this organisation is so incompetent as to use the same actors in multiple events. behold my amazing brain”

Don’t try to get them to take their eye off the enemy: Poor people, and minorities! They hold all the power in this country!

Faux News said the opposite so you’re fake news. Regardless of all the evidence that you are right.

Right? Those people need a clue-by-four upside the head.

I’ll bet he was at the Bowling Green Massacre as well! :)

To be honest, as a bitter old man I actually have found some renewed hope in listening to some of the high school kids in Florida that the next generation might return some balance to the force. They seem to be more socially aware and more immune to manipulation of social media. They also see through much of the

At least that FL legislative aide got fired for spreading this “crisis actor” B.S.

“Here is a global conspiracy perpetrated by Russia, of which the US is just one victim; your side happened to win the election, but we have extensive and conclusive evidence that...”

I try hard to believe this country has not just become ruled by a vocal minority of shitheads who will believe anything that fits their Fox-News conspiracy-filled warped vision of what the USA has become, but things like this tell me that we are very much in deep trouble.

FFS, please leave Barron out of it. I don’t give a fuck whether or not he’s autistic and neither should anyone else who isn’t a relative or a teacher.