
Yup. If they want people to think charging is as easy as getting gas, then make it like getting gas. All these companies are tripping over themselves to make charging the most modern!/hipster!/futuristic! thing you can do when they should be making it as dumb and easy as possible.

Cue all the typical cruise ship hate on jalopnik…

It’s a shit move on these dealers but ultimately the buyer has the choice to “take it or leave it”. Smart thing would be to “leave it” but the dealer knows that there’s going to be another guy lined up right behind to “take it” directly up the ass. We live in a world of instant gratification; gotta have it now no

Yeah, kids seem to be REAL cool about pretty much everything so long as YOU don’t make an issue of it.

It’s all part of the great withholding/refund scam. Make it almost impossible to predict how much you’ll owe, and assess a penalty for underpaying. Result, most people overwithhold (to be safe) and so give the government an interest-free loan.

Practicality? Adopt the European model of their top countries (Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Germany, etc.) and require high school age kids to get entry level jobs that no one wants to work (fast food, maid service, etc) while they’re still in school. They work for a year or two, learn the value of a hard earned ‘dollar’

First we amused ourselves to death, now we are conveniencing ourselves to death.

I think If you eliminated a lot of our current social programs and just gave people enough money to get what they felt like they needed it might be cheaper. If done right it could possibly eliminate SNAP, public housing, unemployment insurance, etc and all the bureaucracy supporting those programs.

Why can’t otherwise rational people see that the entire healthcare debate is about cost?

Yes, you can cause a single payer, nationalized system but not without massive tax increases. Then what do you have? An even more expensive system, less money in your pocket, and from all accounts where this is tried, far worse

Simply no sympathy for either person. Two assholes on a road being assholes. Both were bound to get fucked.

As with most frivolous lawsuits, she is just out to make a buck. I suspect his endorsements were her main source of income, and him being without that plus all the legal fees have left her broke. It is not the fault of the Subway corporation that she married him.

As vehemently pro-choice I am, I think that criticism is somewhat unfair. The way they see it, a fetus is a baby - and babies are innocent. People who are on death row are violent murderers, and not innocent.

You’re more likely to die from cancer, chronic respiratory disease, suicide, car accident, poisoning, or a fall than from a gunshot (but that’s more common than dying in a car accident as a passenger). I’m not saying we should be afraid of being killed by a gun (though dying in any manner is a concern), it’s more of a

Gawker rule 1... never miss a chance to take a cheap shot at a candidate you don’t agree with, or more likely, don’t understand.

IMO, like you said it has a lot to do with the tech being shoehorned into different trim levels. I could very easily do without the infotainment system and just have a normal radio, but it’s there at the trim I want on the car I want wether I like it or not. That said, Nav and such are generally consisdered useless by

$10 says that the NTSB cites failure to see and avoid in the high traffic environment around the airfield as the primary factor for the collision.

I mean, if people don’t want to vaccinate their kids, they don’t have to - this bill isn’t requiring compulsory vaccinations. You can still choose not to vaccinate your children so long as you home school them and keep them out of daycare, right? Seems fair to me. I would guess that many courts would view preventing

Thanks for letting me know about the Apps post coming back. That’s my favorite part of this post! I’ve found too many good organizational tools and games on there to have it gone from my life.

Thanks for letting me know about the Apps post coming back. That’s my favorite part of this post! I’ve found too

When I worked retail we had stuff on racks with pegboard and ‘pegs’, both the regular metal type and the safety style with a steel rod and a plastic board hook.

Another thing is the zero tolerance groups want to conflate child deaths because of being FORGOTTEN in the car for say a whole work day , and the act of INTENTIONALLY leaving a child for 5-15 mins. The two situations are not at all the same. Zero tolerance policies are not going change anything about the variables