
No, but how about an LS3?

TBOs are recommended overhaul times. If you are not flying it for money, you don't have to overhaul it unless your A&P says it needs it. As long as the compressions are good and it runs smoothly with sufficient power, it's fine.

At work, I take care of 5 planes with Lycoming O-320 engines. Recommended TBO is 2000

Refueling is done on 'tracks' that are shaped like racetracks, with long straightaways and a 180 cap on each end. These tracks can be extended or greatly shortened depending on turbulence, airspace congestion, receivers needs and even threats.

Former HS teacher here - as long as you make up the work and pass the exams, feel free. But don't ask for extensions or other considerations - you made the choice, you take responsibility and accept any consequences.

A "low" tipper tips "only" $1 for a beer?