
The Ardrey Kell High School talent show: You pay for the whole seat, but you’ll only need the edge

Looking forward to the Overwatch release. Gonna practice and really get the game down, then jump right in the action with my favorite character. See you on Playstation!

sounds great. can’t wait to “shoot ‘em up” online with the boys. see you guys there!

Hey somebody should probably cover is pointless. There is no meaning. I am dead inside.

Well, we all know Alex Rodriguez likes a clean bat. That reminds me of a guy the Dodgers had up for a cup of coffee near the end of 1968, the Year of the Pitcher, of course. Now, this young man, he liked to keep his wood glistening. He would polish it every day. Just in case he’d make it in the lineup. But the skip -

Their logo looks like a distended anus, probably from shitting on that guy so hard.

Ok, Morpheus, take it easy.

The NBA is, and will forever be a better product than college basketball and I will fight any of you jabronis who disagrees with me.

Well, I wasn’t going to buy a fifth Lundqvist jersey, but then I saw a picture of him and those deep blue pools of loveliness that are his eyes just told me I should. And you know what, they’re right.

That seems like too high of a number. I’m just gonna bust out my abacus here.

This is the best series Gawker Media has treated us to in a long time. And that includes 500 Days of Mrs. Jay Cutler.

“The Cubs are not in our heads!” said Mike Matheny to the befuddled waitress about to ask him how he wanted his eggs to be prepared. “And Joe Maddon’s glasses make him look like some sort of dork!”

The 0-3 Cardinals have struck out a combined 37 times in their three losses.

Al-Farouq Aminu”defended” Cousins from the other side of the basket. I’d personally blast him but I too spend all day pretending to look busy while not doing a goddamn thing. So I say keep on keeping on Aminu.

[Rough translation to American, in the Hawk Harrelson dialect]: “Alright, so it’s 2 down here, in the seventh, our Sox are down 8-1, sacks empty. We’re gonna need a real comeback here, boys.”

When he finally got a chance to bat, it was the fourth ball of the 17th over, and the West Indies were down 155-116. They would need to score 40 runs in their final 21 ball to win.

Leave Tom alone, he has preseason baseball games to fap to.

I enjoyed reading an Adequate Man post? Fuck, I’m confused.

Dunking is great because when you get up there and slam the potato into the goal you have a moment to wonder if your dad will ever really love you. He won’t and you have to get back on defense or you’ll be fired from the game by the Captain.

great q JR