
you guys i think he thinks basketballs are phones

10 says he ate it.

Guys who always suck, in no particular order:

"austin urine" is what i was taught

Flipping 17 and 18 makes me giggle because I am stupid and puns are funs.

My sophomore year, I had a crush on a senior guy.

Waiver priority can go ahead and eat a hot bowl of shit.

Wow. I haven't seen a tip this small since Favre walked out on his bar tab. But he doubled back, paid and apologized. Stand up guy.

As a male gamer who tolerates mobile, hates microtransactions and loathes the Kardashians, I would just like to say I couldn't stop laughing at this story. Well done.

Tom Ley? He is unbearable. A mere cupbearer to the far more talented scribes on this site. His overbearing tone in his NBA writeups is particularly galling. The only time I would find voluntarily put myself in his presence would be if I were his pallbearer. Bears.

Deadspin's Tim Marchman Now Just Straight-Out Coining the Term "Straight-Out"

He may not be athletic, but he'll more than make up for it with scrappiness and work ethic.

Super cool read. Thanks, Reuben. I mostly blame Little's and Bess's ineptitude on the Cleveland QB Suck Committee. This only increases the admiration I have for Josh Gordon.

I'm swimming against the tide here, but I just wanted to say I love seeing what year of law school you're in before you comment. Please continue to do this.

It seems likely that at least one person washes their jeans after every wearing and hand washes them. Sir or madam, let us never date each other. It will end poorly.



Confirmed, US is boned. Groups, Ranked

Purchased. I want to learn to draw. I'm 30, by the way.