i dont know about him but i do it because i enjoy rankling grammer and speling pedants irregardless of there feelings
1. Sony establishes basic content guidelines that determine what is/isn’t allowed in its platform.
Is the stomach pain from eating so many dicks going to be covered under the Republican plan?
Unity3D.com I guess that 3d is just for added flair to their website name. I’d really be interested in seeing your documentation for the poor performance. You have me curious.
Looks like former WWE wrestler Gregory Helms was a few too many years ahead of his time.
Now D-Dog? D-Dog is how you do a video game dog. The only way he could get any better was if you could call for him, and he’d drive your vehicle to you.
Robot Dinosaurs?
I’ve spent $20,000 on fishing gear and $40,000 on a fishing boat. How is spending your own hard earned money on your favorite hobby a bad thing?
No! That is wrong! A kidney shot is not right. Clearly it should be a nut shot.
As with anything Naughty Dog, I'm glad they're waiting until it's ready instead of shipping out a half-assed product. Last fall was LITTERED with games that could have used a 2 or 3 month delay.
In a world where corny things gets a bigger pass every day and I can't watch one minute of any channel on TV without being embarrassed by a condescending commercial or a generic, scripted "reality" show, I wholly welcome someone that doesn't have to curse in their video game review article.
I'd have to burn something down if that ever happened. I don't know what, but it would be something, and it would burn.
A friend of mine made a film in college that was called "Artificial Lake Canine".
I'm sorry I don't understand the appeal of your game, it obviously hurts you.