
Why not?

Did 2 Milly copyright or trademark his dance? If not he doesn’t own the dance, being the creator of something means very little if he didn’t do either of these things. But it is for the courts and a judge to decide this matter.

To be honest it is the person driving the slowest that causes the most accidents and causes the loss of time because they aren’t in a hurry and won’t get over for the faster moving vehicle coming up on them. This means a faster moving vehicle has to make corrections and when they can’t mashes the breaks which causes

Well for one no one knew the new God Of War was even being made until it was shown at E3 2016 and two years later it was released. The same can be said for Horizon Zero Dawn. Guerilla Games never said what their next game after KillZone would be.

Dontnod is not making this prequel game but they are making Life is Strange 2 and I would assume they have the rights to the IP and Square Enix is just the publisher.

To those needing clarification, the universe of Darksiders includes War, Strife, Death and War as The Horseman. They are the last remaining Nephilim since Death killed the rest of their kind and sealed their souls away in the gem that The Grow Father was burden with before Death killed him and then was burned into

That’s what happened for the first Mass Effect game, everyone dump all over it and they eventually came around. What people are forgetting is that the first Mass Effect game was not all that great either, it was stilted, the dialog wooden and the animations felt subpar. But it was a fun game and Mass Effect 2 and 3

I had a Galaxy S3 up until octorber of last year when it started to die on me and had to upgrade to the Google Pixel. I change phones about every four to five years.

Employees are supposed to since it is by all accounts a fire hazard, I work in retail and we discourage this sort of thing. Anytime some is sitting in the aisle they get asked to stand up.

Suing one group into oblivion isn’t going to collectively stop cheaters, while I agree that cheaters make online gaming toxic among other things as long as there are people willing to not put in the effort there will always be software to give them a boost.

It doesn’t look like Iron Man armor it looks more like Guyver armor.

How do you propose inmates pay their way through prison?

Zilla is nothing more than a giant iguana that got killed by conventional weapons, this Godzilla would stomp Zilla into the ground.

If they are there to psychologically terrify it would be a lot like that giant Gundam that Japan has now. Ineffective but imposing as hell and I don’t want that thing to step on me kind of thing.

Well I guess this means that all first party Sony titles will be using PhysX from Nvidia instead of Havok. Seems like PhysX has always been the better physics engine.

If you are looking for how much CD Projekt Red put into the game its 67 million, 35 million of which went into making the game the rest into marketing.

I am sure Ray Liotta wishes that it never existed. I also remember it and have forgotten about it until I saw the picture.

That fits the character since Vega is a narcissistic asshole.

The series has never taken itself seriously, ever, all the games have been this way. You seem to have gotten offended by thinking about this game too much as Fahey warned.

You are oversimplifying pretty much everything. GTA V cost $350,000,000 to develop not including marketing, Destiny is a reported $500,000,000 to develop without factoring in marketing. DLC has become a way to monetize the game to give it longevity to recoup those costs. Could everything that has been released been