
Not my image, but I, too, have decreed the Pants Act in my game. I also appointed a horse to my small council, because a horse, of course.

I get that you're pissed, and that's great. Thing is: I'll buy one. And enjoy it. And enjoy you not enjoying me enjoying it.

It must be pretty bad if your recommendation is to play Heavy Rain instead. One of the worst games of last gen.

Now playing

Today must be "watch things pop open in slow-mo" day. Someone just sent me a link to this:

THANK YOU. I have been saying for years that MGS is the original LOST - made up, with no real sense of continuity beyond what was filled in after it became popular - and then spun to seem 'deep and complex' from the start.

Well Mike, guess you're a noob.

Well, at least you were gentleman enough to admit it :)


We would like to apologise to Ketchups92 for telling him to have biologically impossible relations with himself, and hope that this certificate, good for 5 Internets, and a free subscription to Kotaku may repair the damage done to our good name by our actions.

Hey to all, this would be her Dad (Jeremy Powers). She finally played for the first time yesterday (I only got a picture because I was still just having so much fun lol) but today I made sure I got video (I was filming with my right hand while playing as Luigi with my left on the Pro controller) just so everyone can

Tomorrow's story: "Microsoft confirms that you don't need a Gold account to use Game DVR."

For the same reasons that so many FPS look the same.

One time I saw a seagull pick a crab up and fly away

The only Auburn player any Bama fan will recognize.

It does doesn't it? Says that I'm a caring person since I'll be wearing a hat I know you'll enjoy eating.

The planet that has trans women on it. Likely the same planet you live on, too.

Oh NO linear gameplay....Jesus Christ how dare that Frenchie developer and how dare Capcom publish this frenchie developer's game....Every game should be like grand theft auto, don't they get that....No game should have a narrative or a story that would be ruined by having players go from point A to B to push that