
I picture God all "It's fine. It's FINE. YES, that one too. Look I've got a universe to run...YES, that's fine." *hangs up* Ya know, I put brains in their heads for a reason."'s not just Jezebel. It's all over the progressive media. I'm personally very liberal, not religious, but I do not understand automatically shaming religious people. It's fine to disagree with them, but the ridicule does but separate us further.

I agree with you completely, but the one thing I did want her to talk about was her vagina, because of that misconception. I mean, not that she ever would. The Duggars invented new swimsuits so the brothers and sisters couldn't see each other in states of undress, if she talked about her vagina I might keel over from

Agreed. This to me, reads like some bitchy highschooler who thinks that becuase someone has different ideas than their own that the other person can't be perfectly happy with their life.

I agree. also so what if she puts her faith in god. i'm a 3rd generation atheist and i find this to be very upsetting to snark on someone for their faith and happiness with their physical state. its gross. enough.

Yes. Please stop perpetuating this as a fact. For some, the vagina does get looser but it is not at all a given. Not even my ob/gyn could tell what kind of birth I had and neither me nor m husband have noticed a difference. Now, you could say he's not telling the truth but don't you think I would notice. In my

This is so unbelievably, unnecessarily rude. I don't believe in God, either, but that doesn't make it okay to imply that other people are mindless sheep because they do.

What a disgusting thing to say about a human being.

There are some people whose bodies take being pregnant better than others. I couldn't tell just by looking at her that she'd birthed 19 other people. Also, I don't get all the god snark. Yeah she's a fundi, but we're all entitled to our own religious beliefs. I think a body positive god is better than a snarky, fat

I have been talking about making some modest dresses to sell. But I mean really modest, high neck, long sleeves, to the ground. I would think women that have strict dress codes would still want pretty design elements in their clothing, but there is nothing like that in stores at all. It costs a lot to add swags,

Is it just me or does "With all due respect, sir" mean "I have nothing to respond to your intelligent question with and will instead act all offended". Also "With great insult intended".

1) I think the "some call them mothers" thing was a dig at pro-choice insistence that being pregnant doesn't make you a mother because it's not "a child."

2) Is this not the MOST METAL way to refer to pregnancy, ever? Seriously, THE HOST. "I'm vomiting this morning because my host body is rejecting the DNA of the

Aw. I always feel a little sad when someone's relationship falls apart unless it was for incredibly grotesque or abusive reasons. I feel bad for both of them and I hope it really was amicable.

You're an idiot.

The assumptions, they are plentiful with this one. For heavens sake, I doubt that most people get tattoos to be rebellious anymore than most people choose their clothing to be rebellious. I find tattoos aesthetically pleasing, so I have them. If I didn't like how they look, I wouldn't get the. They are totally

I hope you're sitting down for this - I know several successful lawyers who have tattoos. And who are far less asshole-ish than you.

Was I the only one that thought the answer to the first question was a bit condescending? I don't know anything about Reiki, & maybe it's complete hooey, but it sounds like the one asking for help has found a personal benefit from their mentor. I don't disagree with the point - (she can hang out with whomever, but you

LW#2: Feminism isn't making you resent your BFF, being a judgmental close-minded asshole is. I understand the pain of knowing a good friend isn't reaching their full potential but instead of judging her trying being sympathetic and understand her choices. Feminists make bad decisions too.

Counterpoint: Some people just get tattoos because they like them. But thanks for the generalization, really.

You're painting yourself as a judgmental asshole. Potato/Potahto.