Uhm...okay. Really searching for new topics to write about here, guys? I know it's Friday afternoon, but come on...
Uhm...okay. Really searching for new topics to write about here, guys? I know it's Friday afternoon, but come on...
YES! This is why I wear high waist. It highlights how tiny my waist is and how full my hips and ass are. If looking hot is wrong, I don't want to be right.
More cousin bragging: Jason Brown's ponytail is gorgeous because my family's hair is gorgeous. It's that Jew curl all rocking up in that ponytail. And in case you missed it on Deadspin, my adorable cousin being adorable with my grandparents. Because I'm really, really, really stinkin' proud of him and I can't wait…
I know you're like the queen here and I'll probably catch on fire for arguing with you but don't presume you know how anti-porn feminists think. You think they don't know that minimum wage jobs can be demeaning? All jobs can be demeaning. Doesn't mean that everything is hunky dory with porn.
As a fellow atheist I urge you to cease and desist because that sounds incredibly counterproductive to the goal of fostering secular public dialogue.
Yeah, except Sikhism bears about as much relation to WBC as Yoda to Darth Vader.
Holy crap on a cracker, this is the biggest "missing the point completely" that I have seen in ages.
I feel like it shouldn't even need to be said that regardless of your opinion on hunting, responsibly hunting a non-endangered animal is a hugely different thing than taking part in the wasteful destruction of a species solely for a single body part and contributing to a dangerous black market.
I say this as a Canadian, so I'm sorry if this is offensive, but does anyone else find the general attitude of America towards its military kind of uncomfortably intense? Like, I guess what this woman did was a bit disrespectful and silly, but was it really THE MOST HORRIBLE THING EVER?
But does no one think that easy-access porn CAN be detrimental to romantic relationships on a macro level? I know it's considered "concern-trolling" but does no one besides me feel like they are held to a different standard because of what people are accustomed to seeing in porn?
I hate Miley ' s racist/ableist bullshit, but I really do feel like she has this weirdly intelligent, insightful view of the entertainment industry and a large part of me wonders if she's just kind of trolling all of us with her ridiculousness. Also I'm excited for Bangerz because Sky Ferreira deserves way more…
A secret part of me really really hopes Ellen page and Jennifer Lawrence fell in love on the set of X-Men
If my breasts looked like that I would never put a shirt on.
I think 20 weeks sounds about right (allowing exceptions for mothers health/anmormality at stages farther along). 20 weeks is just about when potential viability begins (really more like 24-26 weeks, but close). I had a coworker who was deciding to abort or not and she dragged her feet. I was astounded when she kept…
I actually wrote a little essay on this topic when I was still a very religious Jew. The reason for the uncleanliness in general is that when a woman is pregnant she has extra life inside of her (her + baby) and when she gives birth, she loses that extra life, so it's a little like she's died, and because of that she…
Part of what men who threaten to rape need is to hear other men saying it's not okay. To not be supported by a crowd when they throw something like that out there (I really liked seeing men in the crowd doing the across-the-throat "cut it out" gesture). It's not about protecting the little wimmins, it's about standing…
I was really enjoying this until the blatant and ignorant criticism of Islam under the guise of criticizing sexism. In France there is a huge amount of racism against Muslims, and it is not uncommon for people to claim that the religion is inherently sexist and thus primitive while using the hijab as an example of how…