
Where’s “Shits self on live television, pretends not to enjoy it” ?

These young men and, really, more and more people are seeing that these young men, and I’m telling you the papers have been writing about this and about how I’ve been very strong in this regard, these young, strong men can actually be tied together with, I guess it’s this type of plastic cord, plastic cord that is

Donald Trump: I’ve been looking for you.

New NPS guidelines consider deforesting to be a sign of respect to trees, even though they’re native to the area.

it was not the game we needed but probably the game we deserved

The dude was so bad at his job he managed to blind a guy in one eye while calling a football game.

I’ll admit that it would’ve been interesting to see how Andy Reid still would’ve fucked up the game if that field goal never happened.

Chiefs fan here: that incompetent fuck called forward progress after Mariota got sacked behind the line of scrimmage and fumbled the ball. They got a free FG out of it that ended up winning them the game. My team are officially the Browns of the playoffs. Fuck you, Triplette. Fuck you straight to hell.

He made millions of people laugh (me included) and seemed like he had a big heart. RIP.

McVay gets a lot of credit, but let’s face it, most people think all the serious planning was done by Terry Nichols.

Kinda surprised that Pitt players aren’t getting paid, as bricklayers usually have a strong union, amirite?

Someday, with Dalton’s help, we will find a cure for gingerness.

Correction: your opening sentence should read, ‘As a white buffalo...’ Other than that, I am in complete agreement with you.
How many NFL QBs would have publicly roasted their organization after being treated like stale dog vomit. Taylor just went out and played, in a talent-poor offense using a system designed for a

As a white Buffalonian (?) I love Tyrod Taylor. Trying to explain to my friends and Family, that no, he is a phenomenal QB, has become tiresome. I would love to believe that it has nothing to do with race, but thats probably me just being way too hopeful.

I just want to ask a white Buffalonian why the hate towards the quarterback? Tyrod does exactly what is asked of him, have no weapons outside of Shady, instructed not to take chances offensively and the coaching staff constructs a game plan completely adverse to his skill-set; whereas “running” quarterbacks like

me texting at the 2-minute warning: “I can’t believe I’m here rooting for Andy fucking Dalton”
me yelling at TV 1 minute later: “YOU BEAUTIFUL FUCKING GINGER PRINCE!!!”

Sean McDermott always knew that a white quarterback would get the Bills to the playoffs.

fuck yeah, Andy Dalton i love you (and I haven’t even had a drink yet)

Fox News headline: “MEXICANS RIOT”

Nice job proving Burneko right, assholes.