
As a Cubs fan, I blame Moises for the fact that Steve became the lightning rod for fan frustration and, in turn, had to go through such shit (and those that put him through said shit are assholes of the highest degree. Fuck them, seriously). If he hadn't overreacted, it wouldn't have been such a big deal and wouldn't

For the Texans to call their fans "no-class" is a joke. Those same players haven't had class in the last 20 years.

Hear that? That's the thunder of scared white people stampeding over themselves to trash "political correctness" because they feel threatened by the fact that they're losing more and more avenues by which to marginalize minorities.

After one player hit a target directly in the head, an ACC official awarded Duke two free shots and possession.

The R. Budd Dwyer Show.

Forget the dumbs stuff, let's hear more about the "inappropriate sexual relationship." Was she hot? Does she swallow? Did she do anal?

Please, don't leave this smoking tire fire of a franchise, Josh. I need more giggles in my day to day existence.

Now playing

...which pretty much makes it the most John Daly video of all time.

If he got this from Rob Ford, does this mean that there will be a "Cracknerdness" section of every MMQB column?

Can someone's life be a cautionary tale when it is so entertaining to watch?

Ironically, Miami is #4 in NFL jersey rankings in Florida as well..

Step one: Liquidate all assets.

"The bastard never saw it coming."

That's right. When you're argument sounds ludicrous, reach as far as you can and land on Hitler. Perfect.

5Side note: As someone who's watched a good deal of hunting television shows in his day , every single goddamn episode follows the same format.

Hitler, on Jews: "Hate them."

Fuck this guy times a million. Someone find his twitter handle or email address so I can rip him directly.

Gun owner, deer hunter here. Fuck this puke and any other of the "great white hunter" crowd that like jetting off to Africa to kill something like this.

Ummm its still legal to hunt elephants? Killing an elephant should be an automatic death sentence. Preferably by being sprayed with the elephants blood and then thrown into a cage with another bull.