I blame vegans. It's become a really easy way for them to shove flavor into non absorbent foods. Personally, I'd rather cook with sambal or gochujang than I would with Siracha. the sweetness cooks out too easily with saracha.
I blame vegans. It's become a really easy way for them to shove flavor into non absorbent foods. Personally, I'd rather cook with sambal or gochujang than I would with Siracha. the sweetness cooks out too easily with saracha.
You must be from Denver or something because Cholula is whack. Tapitio beats cholula but that doesn't even matter because Siracha and mexican hot sauces really don't cover the same spectrum of flavors. The sweetness and fermented flavors of Siracha really delivers a totally different experience than mexican hot…
Or maybe he was molested and already exposed to this sort of behavior. It's possible he committed this act on a whim but if I had to put money on this, I'd bet that somebody molested him.
It's sad that people will be flying off the handle here to point the blame at the Xbox and even the porn. Millions of 13 year old boys watch porn without gaining the motivation to molest their younger siblings. If anything this case hints at the boy being a possible victim of sexual abuse himself. Hopefully the…
Yoda and the emperor were old as shit too but that didn't stop them from spazzy brawling in the senate. They use the force to fight not their biceps and penile girth.
We understand why it happened, we're just discussing the ramifications it had upon the film. Also, despite the combat becoming more fancy it also became more grounded in our reality as they drew from real world sword fighting techniques for the fights. Shit went from Errol Flynn ballets to crouching tiger hidden…
Somebody drag that douche bag Jamie Oliver out here. He started this bullshit when he vaguely insisted that McNuggets were ammonia gassed mechanically separated chicken chunks. Fuck you Jamie Oliver.
They can do force jumps because of the force, not due to their firm and youthful calf muscles. The fact that Yoda turned into a spastic whirling dervish of death totally defeats your presumption of geriatric Jedi skills.
Sure, but it breaks the continuity. You get the feeling that Episode 6 Darth Vader would get slaughtered by the flippity hippity nonsense in episodes 1 through 3. Hell, the prequels make the epic Obi Wan versus Vader duel look like two geriatrics fighting over who gets the last jello pudding cup.
So that's what an internet looks like.
totally looks like a marshmallow with the downs. good call
i'm sorry, i can't read your post. apparently i'm missing a plug in or something
PC gaming... it's where you go to buy broken games
A better PR angle would have been, "I thought I had a shot so I went all in. Oh, and I'm bad with the ladies."