Lot of damned if you do damned if you don't. I thought Destiny really went out of it's way to make everything as neutral and lifeless as possible but she still found something wrong with it. Go figure.
Lot of damned if you do damned if you don't. I thought Destiny really went out of it's way to make everything as neutral and lifeless as possible but she still found something wrong with it. Go figure.
You realize the whole GTA world is a big parody of everything.
SJW Alert
Yes because it is incredibly easy to write credible, realistic conversations for more than 300 characters that keep stuff alive.
I don't know. Even the LSPD don't think they're people.
It's because articles like this http://www.joystiq.com/2015/01/16/gam… driving out their readership. I want to read the gaming news and even entertain some editorials about gaming specifically not some SJW piece about how gaming is not accurate portraying an underrepresented group.
This is like someone breaking into an art gallery and then, when ordinary people can't go to the gallery for 2 months because it's being repaired, claiming they just did it "to show that the owners should invest in some better security".
I hate QTE's.
Everyone's cut across two lanes without looking? You do something dumb you get consequences it's that simple.
This is a quote from Dune as well. Master Rahool is replacing Doctor Yueh in the quote...who was the traitor that sabotaged House Atreides, leading to its destruction. Foreshadowing perhaps?
I agree! My video is meant to give some guidance, but the best way to get better at guiding the recoil patterns is simply by reptition and practice! Only then can you really feel what is happening in a more second nature way, without having to think.
It's easy to think that the people who play video games for a living are just lucky enough to have fast reflexes…
I don't see how Mojang, specially without Notch, is worth 2 billion (!!!) dollars. It's ridiculous. Minecraft is already in every platform possible (although the apple watch market is still available), everyone who wanted it has played it. And I don't see them striking gold again (with or without Notch). Have they…
And the enemy AI is turned off at longer ranges too, they can't react to your sniper fire.
I believe that Double Fine's latest venture into indie publishing, Gang Beasts, is one of the most realistic…
Surprise: I am going to moderate the shit out of this discussion. Say something nice or don't say it at all.
This is actually a really interesting facet of this conversation from a art preservation standpoint.