
I see what you think is irony but also know you're completely misunderstanding what is happening here. Yes, I see it, and thank you for interjecting and proving once again that you morons have no idea why the vast majority of people who read this are laughing at you. Seriously, It's all been laid out by multiple

You guys just refuse to get it. You're the joke.

You're confused because you're an idiot. It's already been explained, repeatedly. And look at the recommends, by far, more people are reading this and laughing at you people and starring the people calling you out than people actually supporting your position. Seriously, no one gives a fuck about you or whatever this

You're not getting this at all. I have no skin in this game and I'm not on anyone's side. I just know that you're not very bright and it's funny watching you and your friends make fools of yourselves. That's really as deep as it goes with me on this end.

I bet you get confused a lot. Here's the thing: you and your moron friends have this idiotic crusade against Pinkham that you obviously want others to join in on. Only no one else cares and actually most people think you're fucking stupid and pathetic. I cannot say it any more bluntly than that. That is what's

Uh-huh. I'm not losing my shit over anything. I'm actually enjoying myself watching you guys freak the fuck out over trivial shit. I don't have a lot of free time, so I am genuinely thankful I stumbled across this thread. It's been a nice diversion to unwind with in my downtime. Thanks for being stupid and vapid and

Yeah man, I don't care if they're hitting home. I genuinely don't give a shit if I hurt your feelings or not, because that's not my objective anyway. I'm pointing out to you, for your own benefit, how pathetic you look. Also, I want to make sure it's public record that multiple people pointed this out to you and you

Whatever. You keep saying that to others who have commented on this like it's a sick burn. It's not. You're a loser. Like seriously, you fucking suck at life and should find something better to do with your time. I'm embarrassed on your behalf for even responding to me in under a minute.

Yeah, no one cares about your dumb little cause. It is however very amusing to read your foaming at the mouth posts about your dumb little cause. It's funny watching small minded people with small little pathetic lives lose their shit over some dumb crap a blogger said on a blog. Your little spazz out is the only

No shit, completely agree. Who has the spare time to give a fuck about any of this?

That's my take on this whole weird vendetta against Pinkham. "Who gives a fuck? Get a life."

Because now I know you're incredibly naive for someone your age, so I'm trying to figure out if environmental factors are responsible for the incredibly stupid shit you've said on this thread. A grown person who's actually had to, you know, bust their ass to survive has a different perspective on life than you have.

And where are you from?

How old are you, if you don't mind sharing? It would add some perspective to the conversation if we had an idea of where you're coming from.

8 years minimum? Shit brotha, I misjudged you. Good thing no one's pulling arbitrary numbers out of their ass.


Wow, that part went clearly over my head. I still don't agree with life in prison but a harsher sentence is more justifiable.

You're delusional if you think the swatter in this case wasn't trying to hurt anybody. There really isn't any point in continuing this conversation if you believe that.

Who gives a fuck if they "learn anything"? It's attempted murder on any single one of those 30 individual people. They don't need to learn a goddamn thing, they need to be separated from society because they're dangerous fucking lunatics. Some things are so fucked up and heinous that you don't deserve a chance to come

I want to laugh at it, but damn, I'm not even that shallow. Everyone in that video needs help. Even Dr Phil. You gotta be a really messed up person to profit off of this misery.