
It looks like something that would confuse Ice T on SVU. If I didn't know it's supposed to be food, I'd think it's raw chicken skin spread over a human calf muscle. With deli frill toothpicks in it.

Deana knows something is up outside those gates. They don't need Rick's band of crazy people to live in their personal space if they don't need a band of crazy people living amongst them. Who would invite those people to live with them unless some really messed up people were just outside?

Thought "oh yeah, AIM, I remember what that was like. Long distance relationships really sucked!" And then, that story took a fucking turn. "Chocolates. Dog. This is not going to end well."


That is an awesome screen name.

Why not simplify it and just make a tag that says #THIS IS PEOPLE FUCKING

All of what you just said is empty crap.

LOL, it's a bit of a downer when someone like you who clearly has nothing going on clings to the tiniest sliver of info that was gifted to you, by me. You ain't shit, nothing you've said hits me where I live at all. I literally wake up and notice you've responded and then ignore you for a few hours. You're an

You cracked.

Fuck civility. People like to complain about the internet freeing up assholes to act like assholes, but one of the positives is pompous jaggoffs like you get exposed for what you are. There is no need to be civil here. You're an idiot concern troll and you should not ever be given a sliver of hope that your opinion is


Know what I'm talking about? The conversation left that portion in the dust days ago. I'm literally just posting random shit to see what you'll respond to, and you're still responding to everything.

My problem? You're my solution for a few days now!

Keep going dude, just you keep typing words into the aether. Every mindless keystroke you make at this point only solidifies my point: You should have shut the fuck up a long time ago.

So, I guess you didn't imply volence, you're fully comfortable directly threatening it? What is your endgame with that comment, pal?

Lol, it just turned you into a delusional non alcoholic rather than an alcoholic who isn't delusional. Please, try and figure out which one is worse, and explain your logic.

Aw, the little fucking assshole who implied violence in the first place has a problem with said implied violence barking back in his face?

"I then went onto Kempo, in which after one month I could take 3rd degree Black Belts in Tae Kwon Do. Since then I have studied Kang Duk Won, Jeet Kun Do, Sayock Kali, Kendo, Japanese fencing, further work in boxing and a little bit of Krav Maga"

Run what rope? You're the one dumb enough to keep talking. I'm giving you the rope dude. I'm not even coy about it, "heres some rope, keep acting like an asshole."