
He was probably just reminiscing about how great the summer of '87 was. "Things are definitely better today than back in '08, but is this the summer of '87? Not a fucking chance."

Uncle Ned reminds me of all of my uncles on both sides of my family.

More expensive, but sometimes you gotta get trashed with what you have on hand.

Yeah, when I was a much younger raging alcoholic, I did that. I also drank almond extract once and it resulted in the worst hangover I've ever had. After that, I learned a valuable lesson: don't drink things you leave around the house for baking cakes.

It's not a good joke though. Some lady in Montana had triplets, BFD.

Not that I disagree with your overall point, but I can't resist pointing out the game was played on Sunday and he would have been on winter break for almost 2 weeks prior to the game. I don't think he "missed" school.

No, a truly dumb person would make a spectacle of themselves while not learning a goddamn thing, which is what you're doing.

No, really, it's because you're dumb and you won't stop digging.

I disagree. I think he started off as being legitimately that stupid and resorted to flame-baiting to try and save face. It's backfiring because he can't actually handle people calling him an idiot, even when he's asking for it.

Holy shit. I knew it would be worth a look back at later but goddamn, this is some funny shit. dude just lost his fucking mind and he still doesn't get it, not at all.

I had nooo idea it was going to get that batshit crazy. That took a fucking turn.

As I predicted, everyone is dumping on you because you're almost comically stupid. You're so fucking stupid you don't even grasp why everyone is calling you stupid, and it's right in front of your goddamn face. The reasons have specifically been spelled out for you and you still don't get it, not even slightly. A

This thread will be worth checking back on in a few hours, because you're an idiot.

That article is nuts. Any idea if his book on being a ball boy is out yet? I looked for it but couldn't find it. I would love to read that.

I almost picked Brouwer up at the last minute but figured nah, he wasn't gonna do anything. I hate fantasy sports, is what I'm saying.

I don't think I've ever actually laughed so much during a football game. That fourth quarter was pure happiness.

But I gotta get to the stupid shit so I know for sure it's stupid. I need that "fuck man, I CANNOT watch another second of this stupid shit or my eyes are going to pop" moment.

I never saw it because it looked so dumb, but "crime-fighting rock-climbers" sounds soooo dumb I might at least have to check out the first act. In fact, I might as well admit to myself that I am definitely already planning on it.

Except the school just created the problem they were ostensibly trying to avoid: protests. This was just a fucking dumb move all around and it's all based on horse shit. They banned the shirts because they don't like the shirts, it has fuck all to do with public safety. It's the same stupid fascist shit my school did

I used to talk to my old cat Dinzo all the time. "You know Dinzo, the tricky thing about our relationship with China is..." and he'd just thump his tail on the floor a few times. That's when I knew it was time to get the hell out of the house and get a girlfriend.