Oh yeah, no one has offered any resistance to anything in the article here. Nobody in the comments got pissy with anybody else, and this is all an exercise in a hive mind.
Oh yeah, no one has offered any resistance to anything in the article here. Nobody in the comments got pissy with anybody else, and this is all an exercise in a hive mind.
Hip hop culture? Hip hop culture has been commercial bullshit for around 25 years now. Where do you get the gall to excuse publicizing an underage private sex video because white people suck? How do you rationalize that in your head? I want to see the mental gymnastics.
Can't believe they posted that. Nothing says "hey look! A moron teenager is about to flip the hell out!" better than a bunch of guns posted on social media.
He's like Gordon Ramsay, except Gordon Ramsay is actually still good at cooking food. If Ramsay had the same accuracy at getting a dish right as Kobe's field goal percentage, he'd have to bitch himself out on national television.
I cannot wait for that reckoning. "Actually DUDE, you fucking suck ass now and you need to get the fuck out of my face, or shit is gonna get fucking real. Old man."
8 million people live in New York. Out of that 8 million people, a few thousand Manhattanites can blow money on 20 doctors visits. it's not a white people problem, it's a rich Manhattanite problem.
Your pesky ethics dilemma is totally justified and normal. This article doesn't take a clinical approach to mental illness, it takes a sensational approach. It's trivializing, really and you're not the only one offended by it.
You said "white people problems", that's what you said. You didn't say anything to actually back up your assertion, but you certainly did say this is white people problems. Don't get sore because someone called you out on your bullshit.
UGH! You just ruined it for me. I thought this chick might could maybe be pregnant.
That was a long post.
Michael Vick did a few years in prison for torturing dogs and he got picked up. It's laughably stupid a Deadspin writer thinks no one will pick up Ray Rice.
Ugh, it is from Detroit. The Ren Cen is in the background.
Me and you are simpatico on this. Homeboy can chime in all he wants with a Websters definition but can never understand what it's like waking up with a strangers hand on your genitals. I don't wish that on anyone, but anyone who has experienced that would characterize it as violent.
What really cracks me up is you think the Jez mods or editors are going to read this thread and side with you. That is fucking priceless. Flag away asshole. Flag your heart out.
Oh darn! Shit dude, Flagged and dismissed?! My world is crumbling because some obtuse asshole who refuses to accept rape as an inherently violent act dismissed my comment. It's gonna take a few days to get over this, to be honest.
Why bother? If you can't understand that invading someone's body while they're asleep is a violent act, why the fuck should I care about having a rational discourse with you? What the fuck makes you think I could possibly give a fuck about having a level headed conversation with you? Fuck off. Have someone pull that…
Oh fuck off. la di fucking da, you c&p'd something from Webster's. Good for you. Now go check out the Oxford definition.
No. There are a few statutory sex crimes where where they are consenting, like a 19 year old sleeping with a 16 year old, but that is a whole different ball of wax than saying "There are many situations where a sex crime can be illegal but consenting or nonviolent." No no no no. There are very few cases like that and…
Huh? Sex crimes are violent crimes.
I get it, I do. But you only look like a gargoyle if you think you look like a gargoyle. If you don't give a damn what anyone else thinks, you can chat up the couple sitting next to you or whoever's there, because why not? Humans are social animals and the people sitting at the bar mostly want to interact with other…