
The strip sack was nice, but I am always partial to the Return of the Mack.

There’s the Steelers fan/hero we need. 

Sean Spicer’s New Book Is Apparently Littered With Dumb Errors

Here’s a Dylan Thomas quote for ya: “An alcoholic is someone you don’t like who drinks as much as you do.”

And they can’t be arsed to tell us the answer in the article, of course.

So, spoilers:

It was (almost certainly) an ‘icequake’, icebergs calving off of an ice-sheet.

It’ll be about their travels in thyme.

We now go live to But What About Colonel Sanders Stadium”

So he name-dropped the only good cops out there? I don’t see a problem here.

Or perhaps that the Democratic Party itself isn’t committed to this platform?

Alternate title:  Apples to Assholes.

And I encourage Chiefs fans to go ahead and make those vacation plans for the weekend after the first round of playoff games.

The Crapture.

Eau de humanity

Can we back up slightly and talk more about your roommate selection criteria?

A Moveable Least

“Horton, Here’s a Poo!”

This is the custom Wagoneer I want:

*immediately scrolled to the bottom*

They’re manufactured in the same factory.