
Andrew Cuomo looks like Day 3 of a cocaine bender.


I live next to an elementary school. In the summer, so does Mister Softee. On WFH days, right around the three hour mark of hearing the jingle, I contemplate murder.

On set pics are already being released.

Pete Carroll looks like what would happen if John Kerry fucked a $20 bill.

First reaction to this photo was that Blake Bortles looks weird in a suit.

Throwing in training camp is so easy a caveman could do it.

“I meant to say ‘nuggets’.

But will he give us our stars back?

Oh, that’s much better than calling it Marshawn Lynched.

That’s a fine looking shooting-brake!

Democrats in the food industry should be better than that. Just spit in her food.

Gruden needed to free up a roster spot for the ghost of Ken Stabler.

I was indifferent to Tonya’s situation before, but Magot Robbie’s portrayal made me Kerrigan.

Spinning rotor blades at eyeball height, being buffeted about by gusts of wind. That $275 price tag won’t be the only thing with a bleeding edge.

I-land in the Stream of Terrible Oakland Signings

We could be looking at a new era of new embarrassments Pretty standard for Jacksonville.” —Steve Rosenbloom

Why do all the Trump women sort of look the same?

Battlestar Galactica “33"