
I call them "Woo Girls." Because in Austin, they always get way too drunk at shows and festivals then stand around going, "WOooooOO! WOO! WOooOOOOO!" Even during really quiet parts of a song or whatever. Then at the end of the night they take off their heels, sit on a curb, and start crying because of some bro.

I find BK bros are generally NOT hipsters. But they do tend to be ex-Finance guys/corporate lawyers/some other soul sucking job who were let go during the recession and are trying to "re-discover" themselves by starting a new company or learning how to cook or be a producer or a DJ or whatever. And they travel. A lot.

The description of Brooklyn Bros gave me chills!!!!!! LOL

Fuck - none
Marry - none
Kill - all

As an Asian American man, I really think you should stop saying, "He's not Asian Asian." You should focus on his good qualities, not on your negative perceptions of Asians. A common comment which irritates a lot of black people is when their white friends say, "I don't see you as black." You're doing the same thing

I want to grab her little cheeks and smush her face and kiss her. She is so damn cute.

not to put too fine a point on it, but the NBA is comprised of something like 80% black players while the NHL is probably >95% white. i would say that explains most of the "resentment and downright hatred" to which you refer.

Although I have high expectations as a South Asian/Mixed Woman of Colour as well for promoting diversity as well.

I am neutral on her, because I generally don't watch sitcoms.

Dear Mindy,

Yeesh, look, I get Mindy's point, but she has a gigantic chip on her shoulder when asked about anything about being a woman in her field or diversity. Sorry, if you're breaking barriers (which she IS) you're gonna get asked about it. You don't have to like it, but it seems kind of immature or unprofessional to lash

Yes. The really odd thing is that she's almost asking to be given a pass because she's an Indian woman. Even if you take her point on ethnic diversity, there's no explaining the lack of other women in substantial roles on the show. I am running out of like for Mindy.

"I have to surround myself with white dudes so white people will watch my show. Just like any other show."—Honest!Mindy

Mindy, a hit dog will holler. Mindy worships all things white. If she could wake up tomorrow and be white she would be ecstatic. Yeah there are 4 women on her show currently. They got a line per episode while she chases the white guy du jour.

I'm a fucking Indian woman also, but it doesn't mean I don't think about ways to challenge people's notions of diversity. While I agree that a double-standard exists and no one person should be responsible for breaking all the barriers, I don't think it hurts to challenge onesself to keep pushing boundaries.

That's a good point. Basically everyone has exposure to and familiarity with white culture, it being kind of the "default", and also something that people from other groups have needed to adopt to an extent in order to do well.

I'm really glad you posted and are continuing the discourse. As an Asian guy currently living in the South, it's incredibly disheartening to try and date when some people are still surprised you can speak fluent English.

The prejudice is a damn shame, because so many women limit themselves and miss out on some pretty great guys. I tend to date a higher caliber of man than my friends at work (college educated, must have teeth) and I'm an equal opportunity dater, so I've dated some Asians. When they heard me say that to someone most

Hey dude! Glad you like white girls so much. Congrats.

I always find it odd that the only time there's a discussion of the progressiveness of interracial coupling is when it's between a white person and a PoC.