
I haven’t tried this, but my gut tells me it might be tough for kids that struggle with focus. My daughter is the human rain delay. What eventually worked for her was to break it down into smaller jobs. I’d ask her to clean her room and she couldn’t get anywhere with it, so one day I had an epiphany... “how about

I always do pie crust cinnamon rolls with the leftover edges after making pie... so much yum. We called them dog treats (shrug) growing up. 

For the guy whose wife is having an affair... man, I’ve been in your exact (two kids, great jobs/house, etc.) situation and I feel for you. First, you are not crazy to want to reconcile. You have a lot of history, a family, and you love her. When I was in your situation I thought “this is either the thing that ends

I don’t have a sous vide, but I’m digging the reverse sear method from the new good eats (I’ve had mediocre luck trying reverse sear on the grill in the past, so I had written the method off). Cook steaks on a rack in the oven at it’s lowest temperature until they hit 120deg (I have a remote temp probe that I leave in

This is the simplest and most brilliant thing ever, and I’m ashamed that the thought never occurred to me. Thanks!

You are expressing a sensible view of what should be an easy assessment for people to make. I have no idea why other people seem to struggle with figuring that out.

If I pee in the stall I leave the door open because it’s easier to see there is someone in there, since no one seems capable of glancing down to see if there are any feet in there before rattling the fuck out of the obviously locked door.

He only cared in the afterlife when he thought it was what kept him out of the good place. He even said something along the lines of “I knew it wasn’t good for the environment, but I did it anyway...” Back on Earth, he hasn’t had the revelation that it might have been to blame for his place in the afterlife.

This is the best comments section on the internet. It’s actually useful... as an American that was mostly a string of nonsense words.

Each season of The Good Place has quite literally changed the universe in which the show takes place: s1 - The Good place, s2 - The Bad Place, s3 - The Earth Place. Do they continue that streak for next season? I kind of think they have to. So will s4 be The Bad Place’s corporate demon retraining for Earthbound

The Good Place, if you haven’t watched it is one of the best things on tv, and it is wonderfully positive. I’d also recommend GLOW, bad and hard shit happens in that show, but it’s funny and definitely positive on balance. Depending on your sense of humor, and whether you have kids in your life (or if you aren’t

OK... so I’m old, and I’m not intending to shit on anyone who actually likes them, but I really, really don’t get the appeal of the AR stickers in your photos thing.

Everyone that climbed that route before rested while doing it.

I have no words for this. I am so, so sorry you went through that experience... shit, that you’re still going through it. I’ve been reading these to avoid doing work at work, and so far they’ve just all been stories to me. I don’t believe in ghosts and stuff, so those I can respond to with “crazy, aren’t our brains

I miss The Far Side so much! (this is actually the second time in the last couple of weeks I’ve written that in a comment around here). Absolutely perfect response for all the dog-started-acting-real-weird stories.

I’m thinking the boyfriend was behaving weirder. The creeper was weird, probably dangerous, and definitely way the fuck out of line; but for your boyfriend to have no reaction, and be totally down with keeping it a secret is completely strange and incomprehensible.

haha... I could only see the first line of your response in the notification, and wondered if I had lashed out at someone over something stupid.

It easily applies to all sports. I live in the DC area and hate the NFL. Very few sports things give me more joy than the Redskins shitting the bed, because a) fuck that team and their racist name, and b) everyone here gets so upset... it’s awesome. I’m a little worried that the might pull off being average this year,

Super common (basically everyone); it’s called a hypnagogic jerk. 

The first two goals, scored in the first minute and 47 seconds of the first period, set a relatively silly new mark in NHL history