
That was probably the best possible reply. 

Every day I read something about how shitty our country has become, think about how it is entirely assholes who look like me who are responsible, and wonder if I’ll ever be able to stop taking anti-depressants. 

I’m sitting here trying to come up with a comment to this and I just can’t even wrap my head around the sheer idiocy of the whole thing. Throw out the fucking dude; I hope he gets eaten by a bear... but like slowly so he can sit there and think about it while it’s happening. But the judge... obviously he doesn’t give

The heart points are fine, but I can’t get it to show elevation when I go for rides anymore (not that I could ever get it to show total elevation gain). It seems stupid that they would have taken that away completely, so anyone know how to get that info back?

is the battery in the back supposed to be new? I have a 15-20 year old black diamond headlamp setup that way. Honestly, being that old, it isn’t very bright and I’ve been considering upgrading for that reason.

is the battery in the back supposed to be new? I have a 15-20 year old black diamond headlamp setup that way.

I will run people over in my car for some good, crusty bread, and give me all the cured meats and funky cheeses... but I’m not gonna lie; I bet these things are kinda badass.

Accepting responsibility and addressing how you can avoid doing the same thing in the future are not typical hallmarks of people who are insincere. I would argue that part of accepting responsibility in a personal relationship is acknowledging that you have hurt someone.

I’m a divorced dad with 50/50 custody. My kids are in 1st and 3rd grade and attend before/after care at the school. I also have house cleaners come every other week (this is the single greatest expenditure I have... the value is much greater that the cost). I do have parents that can watch the kids, but they’re three

I miss The Far Side so much.

This is an insane viewpoint, and I don’t accept your comment!

Jesus man... how much did it rain?

I bought the big-ass bag of sour patch kids once and ate so many in one sitting that I burned my taste buds and couldn’t taste salt for a month. I still love those delicious fuckers, but I’m a lot more careful now.

A variation on this that totally works is you roll out each triangle a little bit and fill them with sauce, meat (pepperoni, sausage, whatever), and cheese. Seal them up and bake them and you have a much improved version of hot pockets. You can even half-bake a batch and freeze them... toss them (frozen) in the oven

I just read the whole thing. I’m not saying I can build you a door latching/locking mechanism, but I learned some shit and am getting a bit of joy out of just how complicated these things are.

I ruptured my hamstring on a rollercoaster... same deal, I have no idea how it actually happened (just old I guess). I think the real culprit was the crash on my mountain bike the day before, but it was really minor seeming and I felt no pain at all after it. Dr. thinks I probably injured the hammy in the crash, and

This didn’t involve an injury, but back when I used to smoke a lot of weed a roommate had taped the handle on the sink sprayer so it sprayed at you as soon as you open the faucet. I think we were doing a big spring cleaning day or some shit and I went in to get some water or something... bam, blast of water in my

I have multiple stories that apply to this topic; which makes me worry about my personal brand more than I had before:

I saw this last night, and I’ve come back three times to bathe in the glory of this comment and laugh and laugh. 

Anyone that uses mesquite sucks at smoking things and can’t come to my smokeboy parties. 

I just wrote almost the same comment. That movie was awful.