
The Baby Boomers always have been the real problem here.

You realize that’s the exact defense being used in gay wedding cake case?

His cause of action is a creation of the legislature, and the legislature can take it away. I am pretty sure (nb: I don’t practice in Oregon) that his case would become moot if the legislature added firearms as an exception to those listed in subsection 2 for alcohol and marijuana.

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This is how I thought Star Trek Discovery Would End...

If a Republican candidate was anti-abortion, conservative and in favor of common sense gun control, Republicans voters would still vote for them over the Democrat. The problem is, in primaries, the NRA gives money to pro-gun candidates, tilting the scales in their favor.

I’m going to have to go the other way on this: Discovery’s first season was the worst in the franchise.

I don’t think DISCO’s overall story was bad, just more... a mess. They didn’t know what they were doing and threw everything they had at it. But I do see what you’re saying - DS9 for instance started off pretty slow, but it also didn’t attempt to be serialized for a few seasons, not until it had figured itself and its

I feel like Poe is a direct refutation of that trope: Bond and Ethan Hunt and everyone else *succeed* by going rogue; Dameron messes everything up and shows why it is bad and stupid.

For me, the biggest problem continues to be the insane decision to make it a prequel to the movies. The show wants to be ambitious, it wants to do things that have impact, but nothing can have an impact as it still needs to lead to the status quo we saw in the movies.

I think this article is spot on. I love Star Trek and I have watched every series and every episode. I agree with most people that if this series started after Voyager there wouldn’t be that much issues with continuity. To me they pay homage to the other Star Trek series by placing a blurb or prop here and there and

I still don’t understand how Burnham started the war with the Klingons. She knocked out her captain, sure, but Georgiou assumed control of the bridge before any of Burnham’s orders could be carried out. So really, what did Burnham do to start the war? Keep Georgiou off the bridge for what felt like a hot minute?

As a generic sci-fi show it’s ok..... as Star Trek though.... it’s terrible. It’s a shame we don’t have Star Trek anymore since the end of Enterprise. STD really sums up the problems with modern genre storytelling.

There’s Michael Burnham, an officer stripped of her rank for making an awful error in judgment that flung the Federation into a bloody war.

“and is now critiquing it for staying too true to Federation ideals”

Discovery was just all kinds of confused. If we wanted to look at a sci fi that looked at sacrifices in war time, we have to look no further than the BSG reboot. If we wanted to take a good look at what happens when two alternate realities clash then we have Fringe (or maybe Counterpart?) but Discovery didn’t really

It’s been a while since I’ve watched it, but I remember more or less liking Deep Space Nine’s first season. It’s difficult for me to compare the two though, because DS9 Season 1 has Duet, one of my favorite episodes of anything ever, and Discovery definitely doesn’t have any stand-out episodes, probably by design of

“In the Pale Moonlight,” one of Deep Space Nine’s most powerful and beloved episodes—hell, one of the greatest episodes of Star Trek, full stop—sees Benjamin Sisko forced to live with having committed truly terrible acts to give the Federation a chance to win its war with the Dominion. The show would only rarely

I will miss Lorca as a commander however. I did not have to think of him as a hero, but he made the show more interesting in the scenes he was in.

I always thought Blade doesn’t get the credit it deserves because the movie isn’t very comic book-y and is more of a 90s action/horror movie. It doesn’t help the Blade is a minor comic character, though that fact actually helped get the movie made.