
My friends and I loved it too. It became more Trek by each episode and I can’t wait to see what they come up with for next season.

Suspension of disbelieve needs to be supported by the universes internal logic. I have no problem with the movie Enterprise (Enterprises, really) looking different, as there are always logical reasons why. Good for you that you can, but I cannot accept “The ship looks different now, just because!” without at least

Except for Sarek & the superb music/opening graphics (my bits of nostalgia) this story was a waste of my time. Enterprise showing up is the topping that makes me unlikely to watch S2.

We’re getting an emergency call from... and unknown ship...

So I’m assuming by the design of this Enterprise that this show is in a whole new universe?

Spock: And Commander Saru?
Michael: He was delicious.

That circle was closed in Enterprise.

The screeds were the most entertaining part.

That’s only enough time to fix one mistake. Discovery needed a much more powerful device.


this is hilarious. but i doubt very much that it wasn’t actually written by people. i don’t know what in the TNG scripts would predict riker wanting “fun drugs” and data changing his name to jack membrane.

Yeah, it’s hard to argue with “BUT YOU KILL BABIES,” and until we can find a way to do that, we’re a little fucked.

Here comes the army of sycophants, waiting for the second Katharine submits her review to post this boiler plate Katharine bashing at the top of the thread...

Suggesting that this show is diverging from some core aspects of Trek isn’t less legitimate than your picayune point about a plot hole. I get that some people like this show, and certainly many of them like it more than KT. What bothers me is that every comments section is filled with people suggesting that for some

Nope, this is a purely DISCO invention.

This is amazing. It’s so unsubtle.

-Thank you-. It’s always driven me nuts how people don’t seem to see Sisko as conflicted and struggling, and his log to me felt more like a man in shock trying to just “write things down” and make a little sense of it all without any real intention of keeping it in the long run. What makes it work is that Sisko has

I don’t disagree on any one point. I hated the first two episodes of this series but am slowly having it grow on me. That said, Zach, you spent this nearly-entire article shitting on Discovery, but gave it a B.

There are other examples though.. I mean I agree that on the whole Star Trek is about optimism and the whole ‘what would it look like if humanity actually got it’s shit together and tried to be decent for a change’ thing.

But there has definitely been a lot more episodes with grey areas or worse in the series. A few

Remember: the Dominion War wasn’t won because Section 31 poisoned the Founders. It was won because the crew trusted Odo enough (and Odo trusted the Great Link enough) to let him cure it. That’s Star Trek.